Ascension - 2012


The Seventh Wave of the New Children

Qala Sri'ama and the Divine Mother, Sananda and Mary

Blessings from the Divine Wisdom Teachers of Ascension,

We come to you as Mary, The Divine Mother and Sananda, to share our
message of love with you about the birthing of the new children of
Earth and the very special energies they carry for you. They are here
to awaken you and enlighten your soul beloveds, and assist you to know
you are love, and that the truth of this love is able to shine as a
brilliant, radiant light within you. They are here to show you the
path that you may have forgotten, that is your heart path, and bring
it to you in celebration of your humanity here on Earth. Dance in the
heart of these new children beloveds, for they each bring a high
frequency to you. This 7th Wave carries the message of your original
Christ heart, your connection to the oneness, your unity consciousness
and your connection to all beings. It is the web of life that they
understand and live in connection to within each breath, and all in
their life is directed through this sacred breath. They will create
you to remember that your soul has a purpose and this purpose is not
just to do all the things you have never done, but it is to do all
that you wish to experience with a very new energy, with unconditional
love. They will come to you and ask you to do all that you do
differently, beloveds, for their central truth is that you are one
with them and there is no separation. May the blessings fall upon you
and all you are connected to in life physically, and may these
blessings guide your soul to a path of love and oneness in this life.
As you meet each soul pod of the 7th wave of the new children, receive
their blessing as they come to you. If you are blessed to have one of
these children in your environment, take not of their qualities so you
can understand their energy, their intention or their actions more
deeply. Remember that what may be important to them, may not be
important to you, but if you receive their blessings you will be
awakened to a new perception of life and you may choose, through your
open heart, to then appreciate what means so much to them. The
Children of Oneness care deeply about the experience of unity and
offer their service to all beings with the heart intention of always
bringing experiences that bring the divine union of souls.

If you are so blessed to have children, or to work or be in connection
to some of the new children (0 to 22 years old), you are touched by
the divine frequency they carry as souls. This message and the
previous 6 articles that have been written about the 77 pods or soul
families of new children, is a gift from the heart of God so that all
parents, teachers and carers of the new children may be able to
recognize the gifts and needs of each child they connect to through
their hearts. Know beloveds, that if you wish to receive the gifts
from your children, you must have an open heart to them and be able to
open your own heart as a child of God. As you recognize how to free
your own child nature, you will come closer to the truth and joy that
the children have for all on Earth, and be able to truly receive the
gifts that each child brings to Earth. Imagine a society built through
the ___expression of a soul's gifts and you will see the highest
potential of your society, beloveds. These children are the future of
your society, so you are asked to teach them through your open heart
and your wisdom, and not through the wounds of your own child nature.
We ask each of you to address that which you may carry as wounds from
your childhood and forgive this, so the freedom of your relationships
can grow with the new children.

Beloved hearts, as mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters of light, we
are calling to you to recognize these children's gifts and to feed
each of their souls with what they may need, energetically and
practically, so they may walk forward and develop their gifts of
light. Each one of you has been given these children by God, to not
only support and care for, or guide, but to also assist you to develop
your love and light. They carry the energy you will need to receive,
to be opened on a heart level to the next level of your being. To grow
with these children is the greatest gift they can give you, so we ask
you to give them all they truly need as children. Place this before
your other priorities and know that it will feed your children more
than any physical belonging that you can work for and that brings you
the money to buy it. Remember beloveds, that which they need from you
for their growth as a soul, you are unable to buy. Know that the
children God has brought to you, are the children you have the special
energy and gifts to care for, for as long as you recognize your own
gifts, you will be able to give all children the love they need to
open their gifts. Our special blessing to you is the ability to
connect to them, and to know them. You may do this by asking them,
when looking into their eyes with an open heart of love, what wave
they come from (1 to 7 waves) and which of the rays of the wave they
belong to (1 to 11 pods). Once you have received the two numbers, know
beloved that you may receive the readings about this pod from the wave
articles that are a gift of love. Just look into their eyes and hold a
deep connection to them and ask the two questions gently with love,
and these ones will be able to tell you from their open hearts,
beloveds. Another way is to use your guidance or a pendulum if you
need a tool for this. We bless you beloveds and ask you to be the
Guardians of these Children with love.

The 7th Wave are the Christ Children of Oneness

Beloved hearts, the 7th Wave of the New Children are the last wave of
children to be shared with you, completing the introduction of the 77
pods to you. If you have not received the understandings of all the
other six waves or 66 pods, you may connect to all previous issues of
the Sedona magazine or the website to receive these.
This 7th wave of 11 soul family pods all share three common energetic
experiences with each other. The first is that they are all unifiers,
and this creates them to want to create unity amongst all people and
creatures through all of their experiences in life. They hold grief
deeply as souls when unity is not present within the environment they
live in, and they are often highly sensitive to new environments if
they are lacking in unity consciousness. Therefore, if people in their
environments are not working together or living together in harmony,
it affects the consciousness of these children deeply, and they are
often only able to experience peace through creating something that
causes all beings to unite and work together for the highest good of
each other. The second most common and unusual energy that each of
these children hold, is the power of synergy where experiences take
place through synergy. These children are very creative and their
creative energies are very advanced, and synergy is created by them
merely through their thinking and their thoughts becoming a reality
very quickly after this. This is a psychic gift yet is not a psychic
gift of communication, but is a gift of creation through synergy.
Unusual and beautiful experiences usually manifest around these
children if they have open hearts and think of new and beautiful
things in their contemplations.

The third common energy or gift they share is that they have the
ability to temper their emotions. They all share a happy temperament
naturally, unless their environment is non- peaceful and all beings
are not united in their environment, and then they may display
energies that will bring beings together to unite. Sometimes this is
expressed as tears to bring unity to all beings through their
compassionate heart, and at other times if they are not expressing
their natural happiness, they may be receiving the group's energy of
unrest and transmitting this to clear it. As these children are
unifiers, they do not place beings through labelling them or behind
walls. They feel the oneness with all beings and sometimes this
oneness is the ___expression of the unexpressed feelings of those
around them. In ancient times this gift was called empathy, yet these
children are empathic; they are naturally of a happy temperament
unless the greater energy of the group of people or creatures in their
environment are unhappy. These 11 pods of the 7th Wave of the New
Children carry the codes of the oneness for all beings on Earth. They
are here to master their environments and change these to a higher
vibrational energy so that they may express their unconditional love
to all beings – which is their soul purpose in this incarnation. Due
to their deep connection to the oneness, they also do not focus on
their individual nature as they think in the "we " consciousness or
group consciousness about all in life instead of thinking in " me "
consciousness about their individuality.

The Chiron Children
"We are here to offer the love of God to all beings by assisting them
to accept themselves as divine and in the perfection of God's love. It
is all beings' perfection that we see and know to be our truth. Our
message is that all beings are divine and all carry the love of God,
and if they share it with all they meet, they will live a life of
shining the light to all they meet. We choose this path and it is our
natural heart connection that offers love unconditionally to all
beings. It is the energy of unconditional love that allows us to see
the perfection in all beings. We accept all beings as they are and
this is our gift in life. We ask that we just be accepted as we are
and that others also see our perfection. We are here for this
experience and the experience of uniting all beings to accept and
recognize the perfection in each other. Our difficulty comes when we
are given too many possibilities, for we know no one way and cannot
chose easily, for we are able to see the perfection in all paths and
possibilities. We ask for assistance with our choices as this is
difficult for us and we sometimes struggle when we are offered
individual choices. We often choose that which suits all beings for we
have difficulty thinking about our individuality and choosing
something just for ourselves."

The Chiron Children are deeply connected to the Christ realms through
the trees of the Earth, and their connection to the trees provides
them great nurturance in times of difficulty. Giving any Chiron child
a deep connection to trees as they grow older, is the highest possible
gift that they can receive as it assists the energy of their heart to
grow larger. Through their connection to the trees, they are able to
ground easily and release any difficulties they may have of life in an
individual body. The Chiron Children, like many of the children of
oneness, have not known lifetimes as individuals before. They have
incarnated as a group consciousness energy spirit like the angels, yet
never incarnated within humanity before. So for many of them, this is
their first life and it is difficult as the group consciousness within
society is not yet functioning in a clear state of group
consciousness. May you be blessed with their love as they offer you an
image of the perfection of your soul, exactly as you are, and they
call to you to know that all Chiron children see your perfection, and
they invite you to accept yourself exactly as you are.
The Golden Crystal Children
"We are from the Great Central Sun and beyond, and have come to Earth
to bring joy through the crystalline heart and intelligence of all
beings. We have chosen our parents for their interest in technology,
science and their ability to also serve all beings with love. We are
here to support all beings we meet to receive their deeper connection
to the golden light and love held in the Christ grids. Together, with
many ancient beings here on Earth, we are keepers of the Christ grid
and we are always aware of the energies traveling through the Christ
grids. For this reason, we are susceptible to the tall tales of all
beings as we are often unable to distinguish a beings' fantasy from
their reality. If it is their heart dreaming and they would like this,
we are aware that their fantasies could become their reality. As
others speak to us, we are unable to filter the information as others
do, as our Christ consciousness creates the hemispheres of our brains
to emerge. Therefore we do not function in society in the same way. We
are here as doorkeepers to show other children the way home to the
open heart, and how to merge and connect to the Christ grids if they
lose their way. We are spiritual guides of the soul and do not have
the ability, as yet, to guide ourselves physically. We are here to
learn about the physical path in life and how to create this whilst
carrying an extraordinary gift of spiritual guidance for all souls in
life. We ask for assistance with the physical aspects of life as we do

As guides for others, the Golden Crystal Children deeply carry three
gifts in their hearts. The first is the gift of surrender and peace.
The second is their ability to know the Christ heart of all beings and
know how to connect a being to the Christ grids so they may receive
their Christ consciousness again and be able to be guided by their
spirit again. The third is their ability as telepaths in the spirit
world. This last gift is the gift they use to receive guidance to take
other souls on journeys into the spirit world. They are often able to
guide a soul to meet with their spirit again and it is their first joy
to create this so as to reignite the fibers of joy in a soul's heart
again. Through this gift, these children are able to support many to
receive their gifts as souls again and to awaken their heart dreams
again. They carry such wisdom in regards to their spirit world, that
many other children are naturally drawn to them for counsel if they
are having difficulty in their lives.
The Peach Children

We are the Peach Children who carry the peach ray for all beings, to
bring peace to the minds of all souls, and a radiant compassion to the
hearts of all beings. We are deeply connected to the path of the
bodhisattva on Earth and do not understand why souls choose the path
of destruction or desire when they could choose the path of freedom,
peace and love as an alternative. We are here to learn about this and
understand through compassion, all beings that choose this path of
destruction or desire. Our wisdom comes from our hearts and the lives
we have previously served as bodhisattvas. We come from the stars to
birth on Earth, to bring the new frequency of a deeper, compassionate
nature to all beings, and to gift the codes we carry for the
strengthening of compassion, inner peace, and a reconnection to the
deeper levels of peace found through connecting deep within, to one's
inner nature as a Buddha of compassion and peace. As children, we are
often found sitting very still in silence and we wish to share that we
are in meditation with the peace found on a deep level that is beyond
all the business and confusions, questions, answers and mental
communication. Due to this, we have difficulty being present with long
hours of study unless it allows us to meditate, so we are often found
daydreaming and meditating during our classes. We ask that our parents
and teachers understand our need to meditate as it is our essence, and
is what we are here to teach others to integrate through their
development of compassion and inner peace.

The Peach Children are in service to all beings and are guided by
their inner self deeply in life. They often do not fit into family
life or school life if their mediation and quiet time is not accepted,
recognized, honored and encouraged in life. If this is accepted and
encouraged, they excel at all they place their energy into, although
they are unable to interact in non peaceful activities such as battle
or arguments, as it moves against their very peaceful and
compassionate nature. They tend to avoid any communities or groups
that are not at peace, or able to find peace through their heart
connection, and often are found alone, living without community due to
this. If these children were recognized and valued for their gift,
they would become the peacekeepers and mediators of the community and
respected for their deep inner connection and their incredible
awareness of what creates peace through compassion. The children ask
for their heart dreaming to be recognized by their parents,
grandparents and carers so they may offer their gifts to all beings
and support the natural energies of peace and compassion to develop in
many being's lives.

The Magenta Crystal Children

"We are from the other side of the Pleiades and beyond, and we bring
the magenta crystal heart to all beings who have lost their innocence
and faith in relation to creating their reality. We bring the
frequency of faith to all being's abilities to create if we are
supported to speak our truth and share our open heart connection with
them. Often we are over-protected by our parents for we have chosen
parents that do not hold faith in their ability to create, so that we
may assist them. We carry the medicine for them to bring back their
faith in their creative selves, yet if we are over-protected, we lose
our connection to our gifts and then lose connection to ourselves. We
ask our parents to be truthful with us and for them not to smother us
as it creates fear around us. Our gift is joyful, playful and so easy
to receive if all beings are ready again to believe in themselves. It
is through all beings holding a belief in themselves again that they
have the faith to create their lives with flow, joy, grace and ease.
We ask that we be supported to share our faith and true knowing of the
many possibilities that all beings are able to create. It is this that
fulfils our hearts as we encourage others to know they can have the
freedom to create their dreamings from their hearts, and the only key
they need, is to believe."

The Magenta Crystal Children are calling for all beings to meet a
deeper side of their hearts, where the heart is able to extend out to
all beings on the Earth in compassion and love, sharing their love
equally with all beings. They hold the gift for humanity to remember
that we are one with each other and through this, each one of us is a
petal in the larger heart of all beings. It is through this vision
that the Magenta Crystal Children guide their lives, unless they are
overprotected and fear is placed upon them. They are in deep need
presently for their parents to recognize them and choose to allow them
the freedom to give from their hearts freely to others, as it is this
that fulfils their soul more deeply than any other activity. They also
hold a deep wish to have a period of their life in stillness and they
have the patience to know that this may not come into fruition until
they are truly accepted and functioning in the world as who they are
truly. They ask for assistance with this so their place in the world
may shine for them, as many of them could become lost without the
guiding hand of love supporting them.

The Blue Celestial Children
" We are the Blue Celestial Children and we carry the deep oneness for
all beings' minds and bodies. We are here on Earth as we carry
specific medicine to assist humanity's minds and bodies to find
balance and freedom and oneness in life, and to release old curses,
pains or sufferings that they may hold from other lives. We come from
the celestial realms and bring truth with us to assist humanity to
free themselves of any limitations, false beliefs, old perceptions and
agreements that they may have created in other lives or dimensions. We
carry the gift of full awareness of divine truth and are able to
support a being to release their personal truths to find a higher
truth that serves all beings. We also carry a joyful and playful
outlook on truth in life, and are not able to be serious about this
although we carry great connection to it for others, as guides in
life. We understand that all in life is able to transform and change
easily, and that no matter what is occurring, it is all just a
momentary experience that does not refect upon the divinity and
oneness of all souls, yet offers all a personal experience of either
joy or pain in accordance to the beliefs systems or personal truths
each soul gives energy to. We are here to guide all beings to find
their path to expressing their lives through truth so they may create
their experiences to be fulfilling, and birth their joy again. Our
purpose is simple as we are here to reflect the truth back to all
beings until they see it for themselves. We often do this through play
and through light communication, over and over again, until the being
we are reflecting receives their divine truth and is able to let go of
their old truths that do not serve them.

The Blue Celestial Children have an immense connection of awareness
that is very natural to them and does not need to be created by them
in life as it flows through their consciousness and is their essence
of connection to the oneness in life. This awareness is a large sphere
of energy that surrounds them and from this large sphere of divine
energy, they are able to know the truth of all situations, even before
others contemplate or begin to have questions. These children are here
to teach others in the future, from this higher awareness, and they
need the support specifically from their mothers to allow them to
speak their truth even if it is not proven and known by others. Their
awareness allows them to know that which is unable to be seen and
known by others. Their knowing comes direct from the spirit world or
from blue light that is one of the colours that holds divine truth as
energy and consciousness. As they offer this higher awareness, it is
the blue light that fills others who are willing to receive this from
them, recognising them as truth keepers. These children need to have
their gifts recognised and have permission to speak these truths
freely even if others do not have this awareness.
The White Rose Children

"We are sacred hearts who hold the love for all beings and hold each
one as a petal within our own hearts. The white rose is a light of the
most delicate form and we carry this delicacy of love within our
hearts for all beings. It is our connection to the most delicate part
of another being that is our gift. We hold the awareness of knowing
how to support a being in their most delicate state with their
transformation and alchemical purification. We are alchemists yet we
hold the oneness and a clear understanding of the intimate self of a
being. It is the most intimate parts of self that we are here to
support to open these hearts to all that is, to consciously embrace
the oneness of love again. We are deeply grateful for the journey with
all souls for allowing their connection to us to the most intimate and
delicate part of their soul nature. It has been a gift, and each time
we meet new souls, we are gifted with a new connection that is so
precious to us for it is through our connection to the delicate
aspects of another, that we are able to know ourselves as God knows
us. We are able to share our gifts and truly love in an unbounded form
and know ourselves through this experience. We thank all beings and
their intimate and delicate selves for this. "

The White Rose Children carry the ability to attune to all beings in a
non- confrontational manner, where their gifts of attunement to the
intimate self are honoured and respected by all others. They are able
to raise the vibration of all beings through their sacred energy, for
the divine frequency of the white rose is able to lift deep fears from
a soul's heart. When they focus on the unified field, that is part of
their mastery, all dissolves within the field of their environment,
and all beings in the presence of these children then experience a
lifting of their vibration instantly. Their gifts are not often seen
by others, and due to their group conscious or unity consciousness
nature, unless they are aware of others with this gift, they tend to
not use this gift. Often instead of this, they find themselves
expressing for other people who cannot accept their intimacy with
love, and sometimes this is a painful ___expression. This does not
support them to be free, yet it does free the pain of others who are
connected to them that are unable to receive conscious connection to
their most intimate heart. If the group consciousness of beings around
them does not offer a place for their gifts, they are unable to
express their gifts clearly and they often take on the wounds of
intimacy of others to assist them. When these children birth to Earth,
they attune to the largest group of souls on Earth to try to merge
with them, and often merge with humanity's collective consciousness
which presently holds fears of intimacy. Some of the children
experience negative behaviours as they pick up on the
group-consciousness behaviours. The White Rose children need those
around them to accept their gift of intimacy. The White Rose children
do not judge the most intimate parts of all souls, but have the gift
of unconditional love and acceptance of each one of them. These
children also need to be connected to the angels, otherwise they tend
to merge with the populus of humanity and they tend to become insecure
in the world and are unable to attune easily to the unified field of
love. If they are connected to the angels of Earth, they will merge
with them and find peace and great awakenings to their gifts of love
in the world.

The Alpha Centauri Children
"We are the Alpha Centauri Children and we are here to support all
souls to acknowledge their divine heart as a doorway to their divine
joy and freedom. We are a group consciousness that does not know our
individual power as yet, so we often feel powerless unless we are
working in group consciousness. We carry the gifts of the Star Lily
that offers freedom to all beings who have not yet acknowledged and
awakened to the power of their heart. We come to Earth as so many on
Earth are unaware of the power of their own heart to create their own
freedom in life and to manifest their joy in life. We carry the love
frequency for all who have not realized this, and carry understandings
and the energy to support all who have not yet awakened to their heart
dreaming, and for those who have closed their heart and live only in
their minds at this time. We come to support all who have no conscious
connection to their heart, and to teach them that it is possible for
them to create something that fills them with love and to live a life
based on love. We are awakeners and have the ability to support a soul
that has closed their heart to their own dreaming, to be able to
acknowledge the power of their heart and their ability to create a
loving reality and life."

The Alpha Centauri Children are also known as the Lily Star Children.
They carry great ability to synchronise with other souls so they can
merge with any other soul no matter what state of consciousness a soul
is emanating. They can attune to all souls immediately and understand
all souls without them having to express their feelings and thoughts
to them. They are empathic and also often telepathic, yet these gifts
are used as one gift to support their energy to merge and synchronise
with another soul while they are with them. Each Lily Star child is
directly birthed from Alpha Centauri (a star in the heavens), to the
Earth, and their frequency of light is a similar vibration to the
star, Alpha Centauri. These children are immediately aligned to their
highest dreaming by looking at the star Alpha Centauri in the night
sky. It immediately lifts their consciousness to their natural
vibration. Often these children have difficulty as the vibration of
their energy body is affected by the solar flares that affect the
earth, and these can create headaches for these children if they are
not in connection to the stars consciously. Taking star children
camping under the night sky balances their energy so the solar flares
and the possible increases in flare activity do not affect them

The Hathor Children
"We are the Hathor Children and we are deeply connected to Venus and
the group heart of all beings. It is the interconnected nature of
humanity we are here to support, and the immense rays of gratitude
that we are here to express. We live in gratitude and reverence to all
beings. Our hearts are eternally grateful for our ability to give
freely in service to all beings. We are here to give everything away
and as we do this, we are aware that God will bring to us, that which
is for us. We carry no sense of need for our personal selves and when
others talk of having something for ourselves, we cannot relate to
this and find it difficult to have relationships with all beings
because of this. So many relationships are based on exchanging things
rather than on the creation of love. We are often confused by
humanity's ways of relationship and we are here to offer a new form of
relationship based only on the creation and generation of love. In
this relationship, we are aware that the only path as a generator and
creator of love is the path of giving all through the open heart and
releasing all fear of holding on to anything for self. Due to this,
we carry the great heart wish to be of service to all, and find that
we are guided to offer all beings, the awareness that they will
receive their true needs for their happiness and heart fulfillment
through giving freely with their greatest power of love.

The Hathor Children are sensitive to the needs of others before their
own needs, and carry the divine realization that when they give to
others that which they need, their own needs are taken care of by
God/dess. These children have large hearts and when they speak, they
speak of the needs of other beings, for God shows them that which is
truly needed by others. These children are deeply connected to the
angelic heart of all beings and they are able to sense the presence of
each soul and the gifts of each soul. They are aware that if a soul
receives what it truly needs, the soul will be able to open its gifts
and share them with all others in their life. They often give away all
that they own to those that may benefit from them as they each carry
the charitable heart of God within them. These children are unable to
hold onto anything for themselves unless it is a part of what they
truly need. Therefore, they often have difficulty receiving things
that are not needed by them and are unable to appreciate them as
others do. They are unable to appreciate material goods if they do not
need them and they often see them as worthless unless they are
connected to supporting a soul to receive their true needs. These
children are deeply creative and also have the ability to work with
many different projects at once and co-ordinate these. They are not
able to focus on the material nature of a project but instead, hold
the gift of being able to oversoul the creative process.

The White Lily Children
" We are the White Lily children and we live in a space that is very
quiet and filled with the angelic feelings of one's God self. We are
fulfilled by these feelings yet are often overwhelmed due to these
feelings being so strong. We would like to be able to express this
angelic heart through some form of creation such as music or art. We
are teachers for the soul's heart to be able to allow new expressions
of itself to be discovered through new expressions of the heart. Music
and art are the two forms that we ask to be offered to us to allow us
to truly share our gifts of the angelic heart with all beings freely.
We carry a soft energy that is often downtrodden in the world due to
the rush of creating goods and services that are based on a harsher
frequency than we carry in the world. We often become self- obsessive
if we do not find our own creation path with the soft energy we carry
for all being's creative hearts. It is the creative feminine heart
that we are here to open. The playful, soft feminine heart of love
that creates just for love and for no other reason than to share the
frequency of love through creation, is the heart we are here to open.
We are often misunderstood by our parents who see us as being too soft
for the world, and many of our parents try to harden us for the big
world. We ask not to be hardened, but instead to be cushioned with
love so our gifts or the creative feminine heart can open within us.
The music and art we create when our gifts are open, fill all beings
with love.

The White Lily Children are so considerate to other souls that many in
the world see them as too considerate. They hold compassion as their
mastery and see all in life through the eyes of compassion. This
compassion is found through their angelic heart and when a soul has
difficulty expressing the love from their heart, these children are
aware of how to support a soul to open their feminine soft heart
through creativity. This empowers all souls to experience love and
feel supported to be empowered though their creativity. This form of
creativity is not goal orientated, it is orientated only towards the
freedom of the ___expression of love by a soul. All of these children
are aware of the love within other souls and of the most expressive
avenue for a soul's love to be discovered softly in the world. These
children are guides for the ___expression of loving energies that come
from the angelic world of light, expressions that open all being's
hearts and release all fears gently, so the soul may express the
softest aspect of themselves creatively in their lives. If these
children are given softness, they will open their gifts and offer
their greatest gift back to all beings, which is the ability to
support all beings to walk softly in the world, creating with love,
without affecting any other soul to experience difficulty.
The Lyran Children
" We are the Lyran Children who come to Earth to be present with all
souls. We are here to support all souls to unify with their Divine
Presence, and with the many fragments of themselves that they may have
rejected or discarded in other lives, or closed down to in this life.
We speak of the fragments of self as the gifts that a soul may have
closed down to in this life or other lives, due to a loss of believing
in oneself. We are here to support God's promise, that all who ask for
grace will receive it, and the grace that we bring to all souls is to
assist the unification of all fragments of personality, or one's soul,
that may have been rejected through this, or any other life. We carry
this ability through the frequency we carry for all beings. It is a
frequency that unifies all that has felt separated, hidden or
repressed by a being. We are here to lift the repressions of the past
into the light, so all gifts can reactivate into the now moment of
life. We bring stardust and happiness to all beings who may have felt
that they lost their gifts, and for those that wish to retrieve gifts
again in this life. We ask only to be supported to love all beings
equally, for often when we unify the energies for others, through
receiving these energies ourselves, our love vibration sometimes
becomes more focused on these beings only, and this creates us to love
some beings more than others in this world. With our gifts, we wish to
express unconditional love to all beings, so we ask for assistance
with this and ask to be supported to love all beings equally.

The Lyran Children are divine connectors and unifiers. They are so
happy, yet at times are affected by unhappy souls. Their learning is
to be happy, regardless of whether all others with them are happy. It
is their happiness that unifies all soul fragments which are the
memories of souls. Every Lyran child carries the gift of happiness and
also the gift to unify all soul fragments or soul memories with their
energy. Yet when these children focus only on their own happiness,
they forget to unify all through their heart, and they become
fragmented by all the soul fragments found in their environments. When
these children consider the happiness of all beings as their first
focus, they open their hearts to unify all fragments and receive a
greater level of happiness than they could experience individually.
When a Lyran child focuses only on their own self, they become too
selfless, which causes them to act with selfishness. This is against
their own true nature and it is this that creates them to feel
separate and more fragmented within themselves. All Lyran Children
need to be supported to serve all beings' happiness and to make
decisions based on the good of all beings firstly, rather than on
themselves, otherwise they embody the fragments of their environments
as they are not unifying through their open heart freely.

The Orion Children
"We are the Orion Children and we are often seen as dark or bad due to
all beings' memories of Orion. We carry the power to affect all beings
to powerfully awaken the very core of their heart to flow with the
light of God, and due to this, we are at times fearful of our power
and reject this power unless those around us are able to recognize our
light. We are often see as the bad ones or the naughty ones, as when
we reject our true power, we close down our hearts and we feel empty,
alone and destructive, rather than one with all and creative. We carry
the divine energy of Orion, the light that unites all to love and
invites all which is seen as bad or dark, to be recognized as love and
light again by all. We are uniters of the dark and light heart within
all, and through our heart, others are able to be supported to accept
and love their own inner darkness or unresolved energies, just as
deeply as they love their light or joyful nature. We are sensitive to
rejection and when others reject us, a part of our heart closes down
and we become destructive, and without our united heart we experience
the separation of all that is held within our environments, and play
out these energies, often destructively, until they have released from

The Orion Children need to be understood by their parents and teachers
if they are to be assisted and honored as divine children. These
children have large hearts and if they close their hearts, they may
embody the fears of separation that others hold when they repress
their fears. If they are rejected, judged or isolated by their family
members or by teachers that they love, they immediately close their
hearts down and begin to embody the deepest memories of rejection of
all beings in their environment. It is this that creates their
behavior to often be very destructive. These children are here to
remember that even if they have a powerful light frequency, they are
pure love and are here to learn to use it without being destructive.
To receive this learning, they need to be embraced with love and non-
judgment and clearly educated that they are loved, and that their
negative behaviors that often overtake them, are due to a deep
resentment of being rejected in ancient times, or from the present
fears that come from memories of living another life of not being
fully loved. Once they overcome these fears, they are able to open
their gifts to unify all beings' hearts and assist souls to not feel
afraid of embracing and healing the darkest memories or pain in their

This article was written by and copyrighted to (c) Qala Sri'ama Phoenix,
October 2005. This is available for networking to all on condition
that all credit lines and contacts are held in tact and the document
is not edited or altered in anyway. To publish this article, you will
need the permission of the author through contacting
Qala's web site is


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