Ascension - 2012


Solara's January and Full Year 2006 Vision

Solara's January 2006 Surf Report



Right from its very first moments, the shores of the Year 2006 felt different. The entrance to it was both powerful and surprisingly gentle....

The New Year started out with a deep silence. It felt as if everything had been covered with a blanket of snow. It was a day in which activity was almost impossible. This is because there was a shifting in the template of the planetary grid enabling it to more fully align with the Matrix of the One.

In the deep hush created by the alignment with the New Matrix, many patterns and old habits are effortlessly dissolving.

The energies of the current Surf can best be compared to those of a tsunami There are three distinct types of waves that we are experiencing, each with their unique purpose.


Clearing the Stage for our Future Endeavors

Beginning in December, there has been a powerful undertow pulling elements away from us. Anything which doesn't come from integrity and that doesn't click into their rightful positions is being swept out to sea. This includes relationships which can't move to a deeper level, old habits, behaviors and places where we have been stuck, outmoded ways of doing things, wrong jobs, duality-based concepts and beliefs and old emotional residue.

The undertow has been extremely effective, working like a huge vacuum cleaner, suctioning away from us everything which is untrue or which has outserved its purpose. It's not a pleasant feeling having so many elements pulled out to sea and at its strongest peaks, it makes us feel like we are dying.

A wave of people are leaving the planet rather unexpectedly at this time, being swept away with the outgoing tide. Although this is shocking to those of us who love them, it's happening because this is their choice to go.

All this strong stripping away is also dredging up the hardened sediment of hidden pockets of emotions. Old memories of experiences we have long forgotten may suddenly rise to the surface, bringing up waves of sadness. We are finally being allowed to grieve for what we long stuffed away.

Our dream state is being greatly affected. Many of us are having myriad dreams in which everything is swirling around, much like in a whirlpool. People whom we've almost forgotten are coming into our dreams and contacting us with very real messages. Our dreams are reflecting the chaos preceding tremendous change when everything is unhooked from their old positions and thrown up into the air where it swirls around, waiting to find its new, rightful position. It's like one of those glass snow globes that has gotten a good shake; suddenly everything is airborne and all mixed up.

While we are in the midst of such a powerful undertow, it's important that we don't get engulfed by the outgoing tide by giving up or falling into depression. We need to remember that everything which is leaving us is clearing the stage for our future endeavors. This is how we are being made ready for the tremendous breakthroughs of 2006's Quantum Surf.

And as with tsunamis, all the water that is swept out to sea is transformed into the huge Waves of the New. The Waves of the New are rising right now; they are constantly becoming deeper and taller.


Setting the Stage of the New

In January, we will feel the first waves of the Quantum Surf of 2006. The undertow will weaken somewhat and Waves of the New will start washing over us. These first waves of the tsunami will bring in new ways of resolving any unfinished situations. The word "resolve" is an interesting one. Re-solve means to solve something again, to find a solution. Only this time we will be re-solving by utilizing totally new approaches and finding new solutions by BEING LARGER.

This will enable us to discover new and original solutions to lingering issues and unresolved situations. We will experience spurts of fresh energy and inspiration which help us to complete anything in front of us which has been unresolved

January will also give us plenty of Wild Cards which come to us when least expected and most needed. Pay close attention to any Wild Cards that come your way. They will provide major clues as to the way we should go.

We will also be experiencing numerous Insertion Points both of the Greater Reality and of the Lotus World. The Insertion Points of the Greater Reality will expand our awareness, allowing us to get a more complete picture of what is really going on. The Insertion Points of the Lotus World will deepen our love immeasurably. Whenever we are immersed into the Lotus World, we get a real taste of the Greater Love. Waves of Love wash all through us.

Our focus this month will be on completion, resolution and allowing the missing elements of our New Life to come to us. Because of this, it's important that we don't waste our energies by worrying about how things are going to happen, or by forcing decisions and actions before all needed elements are in place.

The Waves of the New will bring some much needed missing pieces into our puzzle. There are some key pieces that will be clicking into position in January. These pieces fill the gaps and must be in place before we can go forward They will allow us to see more of the full picture of our path in 2006 and bring us greater clarity as to our next steps.

All month long, we will be very active setting the stage for the New, but there will also be times of deep quiet when repositioning and recalibration within our internal templates is taking place, bringing all our activities to a temporary halt.

As January progresses, our dreams will continue to be meaningful. Many things will be sorted out while we are asleep. Our dream state will take us into the deepest strata of our beings where we can work undisturbed on the level of pure energy.

Throughout January, more and more elements of our lives will click into place. It is similar to creating a stage set, except this time we have no preconceived plan of what it will look like. We have to put it together piece by piece using only the elements which have a perfect fit. First we find the right bamboo to go over in the left corner, then we find the perfect red couch to go on the right. And while we're doing this, we didn't even know that our stage set would have a bamboo or a red couch. It is a continuous journey of wonderment and discovery, making openness a helpful attribute.

By the end of the month, we'll have a much clearer picture of our new stage. Our new stage allows us to fully enter the resonance of Right Time - Right Place. Now, we are ready for the entrance of the next set of Waves of the New. And even bigger Quantum Surf will roll in.


Riding the Quantum Surf

On the New Moon of January 29th, which is also the Chinese New Year, the next waves of the tsunami will come in. These are the true Waves of the New. It's Quantum Surf Time! These waves will bring us to new places, new directions, new experiences, new jobs, new relationships and new levels of understanding.

This will be like the moment that the roller coaster has finished its long journey up the first steep hill and suddenly accelerates beyond belief. We are zooming around corners and doing loops-de-loops, yet somehow we don't fall out of our seats.

We are thrust into the Mega Waves of the Quantum Surf and off we go! It's going to be a very wild, but extremely fun ride. It's the thrill of a lifetime! From this moment forward, nothing will be the same and absolutely everything is possible. 2006 is a great and momentous year in which we can experience quantum breakthroughs and fulfillment beyond our wildest dreams.


The Year 2006 Surf Report


Welcome to the QUANTUM SURF of 2006!

2006 is a truly extraordinary year in which the impossible can be achieved. This year has real, viable potential for fulfillment beyond our wildest dreams. The MEGA WAVES of Quantum Surf are coming in!

This is a year full of the promise of enormous success, of ease in manifesting what we really need and truly desire. A year when the creative surge carries us along into totally new places.

However, in order to fulfill the awesome potential of 2006, there are some conditions which must be met...

Success will only be achieved if we demonstrate rock solid integrity in everything we do.

The old road of duality is coming to its appointed end. If we remain on it and if we remain small, if we are still motivated by fear, lack and separation, we will miss the outstanding opportunities presented to us in 2006.

In order to access the Quantum Surf we must live in the Greater Reality on a daily basis, putting our full consciousness, full effort and wholehearted love into everything we do.

In numerology 2006 is an Eight year. The old duality-based interpretation of an Eight would be "As Above - So Below". But since Above and Below have been merged together in the HERE and NOW, this is no longer true. An Eight year is about manifesting our inner truth on all levels. It's time to walk our talk and to live our true beliefs. No more excuses.

To ride the Quantum Surf we need to be in the big boats.

If we stay in small boats, we may easily capsize and sink.

To travel in the big boats we need to set aside our perceived differences and come together as One. Rowing with focused intent, stepping into our greatness and just going for it, no matter what.

2005 was an important bridge year of deep inner and outer realignment. It was a somewhat solitary year of profound initiation and inner recalibration which contained some shattering outer events. Since the Asian Tsunamis of December 26th, 2004, we have received Three Warnings through a series of devastating earth changes. Hopefully, this has been effective in permanently shaking us out of our complacency, reordering our priorities and deepening our compassion.

There was a huge stirring of the Sleeping Giant of our One Being, creating an increased awareness of the intolerability of the imbalances on this planet. People started feeling the suffering of others far across the world, and began to take responsibility to help solve their problems. What's somewhat ironic is that enduring solutions to humanity's problems and to the imbalances created by duality are remarkably easy to achieve; what has always been lacking are committed and aware people to implement them. In 2005, there was finally a sense of global consciousness---that we are all in this together. Oneness became stronger and more vibrantly alive.

Much of our focus has been on repatterning the past and learning to do things in totally new ways. Situations continually came up which required new responses, deeper understanding and greater love. Utilizing a vaster perspective, we were often able to see the real forces at play and not fall into our old duality-based responses. We made some decisive steps out of the box....

From the very beginning of 2005, we were called upon to set up heightened energetic fields in our immediate environment which would enable us to more fully live in the Greater Reality. This process of creating, maintaining and constantly recalibrating our energetic fields will continue throughout 2006. This is of vital importance because if we don't do this, we won't be able to ride the Quantum Surf.

Now that we have entered the Great Year 2006, we can finally see how very much we have changed and deepened. How truer and clearer we have become. If we did the work of recalibrating our energetic fields both inside and outside, we are finding it much easier to live in the Greater Reality. If we haven't yet done this, it's essential that we start now; otherwise we will miss the tremendous breakthroughs of 2006.

Throughout 2006, we will notice the increasing separation between the worlds of duality and Oneness. There will be the continual unmasking and downfall of those who misuse their power, position and wealth, of those who do not live with integrity and compassion. The more we live in the Greater Reality, the more unreal and lifeless the world of duality will become.

A sorting out will also take place in which some of the people who are taking up space in the big boats without rowing steadfastly with their full beings will find themselves back in smaller boats. This will serve as a huge wake-up call, much like it was during the evacuation of Atlantis. Our integrity and commitment must be unwavering in order to ride the waves of the Quantum Surf.


During the past year, there was an emphasis on getting all the elements of our lives into their rightful positions. Most of the focus was on the removal of elements which no longer fit into who we are in the process of becoming. This repositioning also took place within our inner beings as we cleared away old patterns of relating, outdated concepts, expired vows and ingrained habits of making ourselves small. The deeper we immersed ourselves into the Greater Reality, the more there was to let go. Many of us have been stripped to the core. So much has died away that we sometimes felt as if we were dying.

The difference between something that totally clicks into place and feels unquestionably right, and something which is "sort of" all right is becoming continually clearer. We are now in the time where it's essential that all elements of our lives click into position and feel totally right. Until they do, it's important that we don't allow ourselves to make hasty decisions just for the sake of trying to get something done. Forced actions won't lead to success, but rather to dead ends.

If we let go of compromise and the watering down of our beings in order to fit into a regimented duality-based world, we will be able to align with the resonance of RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE. This is the realm of the Quantum Surf. It is where we need to anchor our beings in 2006. This is where the greatness and ease of manifestation exist.


In 2006 we will experience many long lost puzzle pieces coming into our lives. This will not only enable us to see the vaster picture, but it will enable us to be infinitely more real and true. These missing pieces will include new Greater Love relationships, new careers aligned with our true purpose, new places of residence more in harmony with who we are and our true needs, new avenues of creativity, new work partnerships and totally new ways of doing things.

For the past few years, we have been retrieving lost fragments of our beings. These are pieces of our selves that we left in past lives, with old relationships, in parallel realities or in various physical locations around the world.

Because of this, some of our old loves have been re-entering our lives, not for the purpose of rekindling the flame, but for the purpose of retrieving our fragments. Encountering these old loves allows us to clear up any unresolved emotional residue and express our forgiveness and gratitude to them. We are able to retrieve the piece of our heart that we gave them and merge it back into our own heart. This enables us to love wholeheartedly and freely since our heart has become more whole. It prepares the way for our entrance into the Lotus World and is immensely liberating.

We've also been led to some unexpected locations in order to retrieve fragments that we left there, usually in past lives. Each time we regain a lost fragment of our being, we have less dangling threads scattered throughout time and space. We become more whole and free. We will continue finding lost fragments and merging with them throughout 2006.

The Year 2006

requires the participation of our full beings.

We can't surf the BIG WAVES with small beings.

We can no longer divide up our lives into separate compartments of duality and of Oneness---having a duality-based job, some Oneness friends, some duality friends, a "normal" home with a duality resonance and a vibrant inner spiritual life.

We can't surf the BIG WAVES as split beings with split lives. Everything has to be brought into the resonance of the Greater Reality.


The Greater Reality is the frequency band of Oneness. Living in the Greater Reality is our new foundation. It's a way of life; not just something we do in special moments when we are being "spiritual". The Greater Reality is all around us, growing stronger every day. It affects absolutely everything. It's a new way of being. And it's the realm where we will find the Quantum Surf.

In duality, we used to set up altars for our spiritual focus and meditate for our spiritual practice. In the Greater Reality, we realize that EVERYTHING is sacred, thus everything becomes an altar. And that while meditation will surely take us into the Greater Reality, our task is to imbue every mundane and minute aspect of our daily lives with the Greater Reality. To live there with eyes wide open, fully present in the physical.

In 2006 we can manifest true magnificence and we do this by bringing the Greater Reality and the Greater Love into absolutely everything.

This year we are going to be given the opportunity to totally reinvent ourselves. We can become anything we want to be. We can do what we really came here to do. We can pursue our wildest dreams and be successful! As long as we're living in the Greater Reality, traveling in a big boat and rowing with everything we've got, there will be an infinite series of Green Lights beckoning us forward. We can achieve anything that's truly in our heart of hearts.


As we immerse ourselves deeper into the Greater Reality, we will enter the Lotus World. This is the most sublime realm of Truest Love. Here everything is ultra sacred and pure. Everything is imbued with the GREATER LOVE. We become embodiments of LOVE and discover that this heightened LOVE is all around us. We are surfing the Waves of Love.

We will experience immersions into the Lotus World for a few days or a few weeks and then suddenly the Waves of Love will disappear, making us feel stranded like a beached whale. It will feel as if our love has suddenly dried up. Whenever this happens, it's important to remember that this is for the purpose of clearing out and refining energies within us and within our environment which can't go deeper into the Lotus World. Once we make these adjustments, the Lotus World will return, stronger than before.

The Lotus World will become deeper and more visible as the year progresses. Powerful Waves of Lotus Love will become a major component of the Quantum Surf. During this time, many of us will finally be reunited with our One True Love, that elusive partner with whom we share not only an alignment of essence, but also an alignment of purpose.

2006 is an absolutely brilliant year of quantum breakthroughs, major manifestation, unbridled creativity, and Waves upon Waves of Love beyond anything we can imagine. It's the year we have long awaited. Let's not miss this golden opportunity to shine, to soar, to live our love.


Copyright Solara 2006

All Rights Reserved


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