Ascension - 2012


Public Statement from Star Nations

It is difficult to overstate the historic significance of the enclosed
Public Statement From Star Nations.

As you read this statement, you will see that Star Nations is coming
out of the closet and taking initiative to end the UFO Cover-Up
imposed by Earth Shadow Governments. Star Nations is also announcing
that one of their starcraft will soon begin a campaign of multiple
public low visible overflights over various metropolitan
provide visual evidence of Star Visitor contact.

This Statement will later be followed by Press Announcements of actual
demonstration flights.

We have entered a new and exciting era: life after the end of the UFO
Cover-Up, and the dawn of Humankind as a cosmic society.

- Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
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Galactic Star Federation

A Public Statement from Star Nations

"Symbol of Truth" Campaign for peaceful awareness and simpatico human

Full Version (3,200 words)

July 19, 2006


Some of you know us, some of you don't, some of you fear us, and some
of you welcome us. Well, whatever your thoughts are we still offer our
love and heart-filled compassion to each and every one of you.

We are made up of a Federation of benevolent Star Cultures and we have
been here since the Dawn of Mankind. The starcraft in your skies not
only proves our historical and ancient relationship to early
humankind, but is also a Symbol of Truth for modern humanity.

The Star Nations offer this starcraft as a Symbol of Truth, a public
demonstration of our benevolent intention and as a sign of our
collective history. The starcraft you will soon witness over a number
of your cities was removed from your country of Egypt after having
been buried there in safe-keeping for many thousands of years.

The statement and message we are communicating at this time is that we
want All People of All Cultures (Human Nations) to understand that the
Star Nations love you all and hope to one day soon be welcome as
friends in and around your communities.

Ultimately we will not force you to make any decisions, for it is
against our 11 Spiritual and 11 Universal Laws* to interfere with
human free will and spiritual development. We only ask you to look
within your hearts, to know the truth, and to welcome us as friends.

Be wary of any false displays of star-like craft especially if it is
threatening, violent or fearful in nature for it will be an attempt by
the Elitists (Cabal) to injure our collective friendship. There have
been paramilitary operations who have stolen some of our starcrafts –
usually by shooting them down and calling them crashes – and then have
reverse-engineered the technology to the best of their efforts.

These same groups have captured the surviving starcraft occupants and
have kept them in detention forcing them to assist corrupt scientists
and technicians. Many of your "abductions" were actually carried out
by humans using this technology in order to psychological harm our
Contactees and to create fear and distrust. Likewise, paramilitary
groups are also being paid to spread disinformation about Star People
in order to keep the public confused, angry and afraid.

Our future goal, when you are ready and no longer under the influence
of egotistic leaders and military minds, is to befriend all of you and
welcome you into the federation of stars: Star Nations.

The Greatest Liars

The report about your ancient history is filled with many untruths,
that is, the truth of your history has been distorted and rewritten
for religious, political and military reasons. For many years we have
attempted to cooperate with your governments, leaders, military and
people of economic influence (collectively referred to as the
"Cabal"). We have not restricted our efforts to any one particular
nation. And despite our efforts, we have failed to reach a mutually
beneficial form of cooperation.

Our strongest effort came with an Agreement with four of your
governments (USA, People's Republic of China, USSR, and Europe) in
April, 1964. That Agreement was woefully neglected and deceitfully
manipulated by Cabal operatives, men of power and influence bent on
world domination, until September 2005. At that time, after an
exhaustive effort to remedy the underhanded attempts to steal our
technology and permanently stall our contact attempts with humanity,
we proceeded to invalidate the 41-year-old Agreement.

Many of the technologies you see today were gifts from the Star
Nations given as a way of ensuring your collective evolution into a
developed civilization capable of joining the interstellar cultures in
your galaxy. This was all negotiated in the 1964 Agreement.

Military organizations, including those of a public or secret nature,
have attacked our people at every opportunity, as well made it
difficult for us to serve Earth Planet with her required spiritual
maintenance. Today let us begin the return to peaceful cooperation and
open dialogue. Today, we ask your governments and decision-makers,
public and secret, honest and dishonest, to begin the process of Full
Public Disclosure on Star People, Star Visitations, and Star Technology.

We feel that at this time that human beings are ready for the truth.

Our interaction with humans in the past has been unsuccessful because
of ego-minded and corrupt individuals (e.g., Cabal, Elitists, certain
Industrialists and Militarists) working together in concert to prevent
the common and good-willed humans from knowing the truth about Star
People. This again has been based on fear. Global society is swimming
in fear, and this has been orchestrated by those same groups of elites
who have labeled us as "evil".

Traditionally speaking, we have been inappropriately labeled as "UFOs"
(Unidentified Flying Objects), "extraterrestrials", "ETs",
"Extraterrestrial Biological Entities" ("EBE"), and woefully, as
"aliens". All of these labels are based on fear tactics to distance us
from humans of good faith and intention. We are people just as you are
people. You are human people, we are star people. In this manner of
thinking, we prefer the terms "Star People" or "Star Persons" or "Star
Visitors". You would not enjoy being called "Primitives" or "Mutated
Primates", and we do not enjoy the terms "Aliens" and
"Extraterrestrials". The continued use of these terms demonstrates a
stagnant mind.

Likewise, our starships, or starcrafts, are not "UFOs". They are
starships and starcrafts. Starships can be considered to be larger
than starcrafts. All of them are advanced flying machines that
incorporate intricate scientific and spiritual knowledge to manage
subtle and native energy fields within the context of the composite world.

The Symbol of Truth starcraft is scientific and visual proof of
free-energy and antigravity systems at work. Your Energy Conglomerates
will not be happy with these demonstrations. Free-energy has been
available for some time and kept from you in order to make the Cabal
wealthy and fat with power. We hope to share these technologies, and
more, with you someday soon. There is no further need to pollute
planet Earth, once free-energy (Zero-Point Energy) devices are in the
public domain.

The Star Children

The human species, homo sapiens sapiens, was created by genetic
mutation using the available primates and supplementing this base
stock with our own genetic material. Since the original version of
human was created we have provided periodic upgrades in order to allow
the growth and development of a being with not only scientific
characteristics (reason, beauty, stamina), but also, with significant
spiritual characteristics (love, compassion, morality).

It must be said that all of your religions and all of your faiths
originated from a singular source that we shared with you, and which
has been lost over the millennia due to a disconnection with True
Source, what many of you now call Divine Consciousness. Catholicism,
Hinduism, Judaism, Protestantism, Buddhism, Islam and the many other
religions in the world today have remained immature and stagnant
despite technological, psychological, spiritual and genetic
improvements in society.

Your conscious mind, limited by linear thinking and hindered by
established logic, will attempt to disbelieve what we are sharing at
this time. This is why we recommend looking within your hearts to find
the truth and not to be swayed by those in denial, of which we predict
there will be many of you. It is a normal reaction and it is best to
allow this reaction to filter out of your system rather than to
suppress it with any form of medication.

Some of you may find yourselves as noticeably different, even look
upon yourselves as outcasts and unable to fit into a structured and
spiritless society. You may find yourselves noticeably sensitive,
especially affected by people who are without morals, use aggressive
behavior and are routinely ignorant. You may find yourselves with a
strong intuition, helping people selflessly, or, even may find that
you have telepathic and healing abilities. Your kinds of people,
collectively Star Children, have been highly upgraded with the
genetics of Star People, and now represent a significant population on
your planet.

Many of you who are Star-Enhanced may not be aware of your uniqueness,
so it may not be readily apparent. Rest assured that the time is upon
you now to wake up to your true talents and put them to good use. Step
out of your constrictive environments and embrace your true nature.

Imaginary Enemies

Capitalism, communism, and socialism have all failed to deal with the
long-term development of an encumbering global population straddled
with inescapable poverty. The rise (and continuance) of militarism is
a misguided action based on a devious and faulty agenda.

All of your modern wars have been planned and executed by these same
corrupt individuals (Cabal, et al.) in order to further their own
agendas to lock down the entire planet into a kind of prison in which
they are the wardens. Each war has allowed them to fight imaginary
enemies and, at the same time, enabled them to develop and test new
military technologies. These same military technologies are then used
against the people. Their ultimate goal is to arm the circumference of
the planet so as to control the planet. Many of your awakened experts
have referred to this as the "Weaponization of Space".

Clearly your self-elected Cabal industrialists and wealth leaders have
covered up our existence and continued on a dangerous course to
weaponize space, so as to enable them to attack Star Nations at some
future point. The Star Wars Initiative under US President Ronald
Reagan was part of that agenda. The Cabal currently possesses some
advanced militarized weaponry and clearly intends to use them against
us at their earliest opportunity. Fortunately, that opportunity has
not yet arrived.

The Cabal will certainly play the "Star People Enemy Card" and wage
war against us in order to take the next technological leap into
space. They might even refer to us as an Asteroid or a Moon/Mars
Mission at first, in order to obtain approval of NASA and defense
space agencies funding.

We oppose this fear-laden view and only wish for peaceful contact. You
can see the problem we face and have faced for many years. The Cabal
is bent on war (and control), as is evidenced in the nations around
you, and counted in the rising number of daily body bags. As long as
the Cabal dominates the decision-making of the world (through various
councils, bodies, administrations, societies and paramilitary groups),
whether seemingly "legitimate" or obviously self-imposed, then war
will continue and humans will suffer. The Cabal does not understand
the ideas of love and compassion. Unfortunately, many of them will
never understand until their next life.

There are some international groups located throughout your global
communities who want to promote peaceful and diplomatic relations with
the People of Star Nations. Every individual or groups of individuals
has a right to interact with us, and this is our ultimate goal. Surely
Citizen Diplomacy is a very good place to start.

Possible Reactions to Our Presence

The ultimate truth that is upon all of you now is the truth that you
are a part of us, and we are a part of you; therefore, we are the same
on many levels and different on many levels. It is time now to
increase our sameness and to decrease our difference. This will
require a profound acceptance and a great requirement in your heart.
There is no rush to complete this transformation of yourselves; there
is a rush to begin this transformation; because human society, if it
stays on its current course, will fail self-destructively.

It is expected that each individual will have a different response to
the Symbol of Truth of their history. So, it is normal then that some
individuals will be incapable of managing the presence of Star People.
These individuals should seek the comfort of those who understand Star
People, or of professionals in the fields of counseling, psychology,
and clinical social work, as examples.

It is expected that some minds will not be able to cope for some time
and may need medical attention. This is normal. You understand the
needs of your body, and, in moderation, you should ensure that you
feel safe, comfortable and maintain your mental health. For the
majority of you, these symptoms will pass, rapidly or eventually.

It is possible that this starcraft demonstration, for whatever reason
the people in positions of power may conjure, may be seen as
threatening. We want to make clear that we are peaceful races of
beings from different planetary systems and any violence or
disapproval originates from a human source of misunderstanding,
misinformation, or simply ignorance.

We hope that enlightened individuals can intervene and clarify the
situation, thereby preventing large-scale mistakes. Humans of good
conscience must now take a stand and undertake initiatives toward a
future of peaceful coexistence.

Our Hopes

Further we wish to inform you that the world you see today, including
all the modern things, are in fact inferior and archaic things because
they are based on an absence of spirituality, the central basis of
life and this universe. So, this said, life will get better.

Already many of you are studying things such as yoga, meditation and
philosophy in order to find meaning and purpose in lives you often
find banal. Many of you are naturally seeking a more spiritual
existence in a world filled with selfishness, corruption, greed and fear.

Also we would like to assert that the Earth humans of egocentric
authority (Shadow Government, Cabal, Illuminati) are not to be trusted
and have been the reason behind our separation from you all. They are
a minority group. They have kept the truth of our existence from you
and have ignored and dismissed our requests for this information to be
made public (i.e., Full Public Disclosure).

People will realize that their public and private governments have
long known and have had extensive contact with Star Nations. All of
this knowledge has been kept from you (e.g., the UFO Cover-Up) for
many reasons. It is right and proper then to demand the gradual
release of this knowledge along with a Public Apology in due time. It
is also right for the people of the world to forgive these treasons,
and to use love and compassion as a way of moving forward.

Leaders and people in positions of power who are responsible for this
"Cover-Up" should be automatically removed from their position and
denied any position of influence. If they have broken laws, local or
international, they should face a judicial court of law according to
the region or country in which they are residents. All of these things
must be handled with responsibility, manners and intelligence rather
than haste, anger and violence.

We will not force you to act in any particular way, and will always
offer our love as to whatever path you choose. You must understand
that this planet is your planet and you must learn to govern
yourselves. The reason we are here today is because it is time for all
of you to base your decisions on the truth rather than on the lies
that you have been fed for so many years.

In Conclusion

We hope that this Symbol of Truth craft will inject hope into the
human heart. We hope that this Symbol of Truth will be accepted as a
sign of our sincere intentions to connect with the citizens of Earth
Planet – you.

We respectfully remind you that this is a peaceful mission. We are not
hostile. Should you witness any military attacks, or, other acts of
aggression, it will originate from an Earth-based party, group or
individual. Remember that they do have some of our technology in their
possession including weather modification technology.

The message is simple: Star Nations are part of Earth's history, past,
present, and future, and we wish to reconnect with humanity in a
productive manner that is consistent with high moral standards.

This is the message and our intention. These things must not be
twisted or distorted to fit rogue ideologies or militaristic
tendencies. These things must remain clear. Let the spiritual leaders
(and enlightened individuals) take a stand and express their hearts.
Let courage govern your hearts and minds and the idea of fear will
fade away.

Many of your refer to this as "(Formal) Contact". So this is the
ultimate goal, and we wish it to happen in the near future. When you
are ready.

Should there be acts of aggression from the human side you will cause
your own casualties. We do not wish this. Our mission is peaceful.

Star People are very Earth-oriented and regard this planet as a living
planet, as some of you do, that needs care and attention, especially
now. Some of the Earth's changes will be structural and may be felt as
earthquakes and weather changes, things of this nature. It is expected
after so much abuse and neglect, so you must be prepared.

There will be no Ending of the World; for that itself is based on
fear; instead, there will be an Awakening and in that process the
world you once knew will look different, it will be perceived
differently, and you will also live differently. The Earth too, being
alive, will adjust and this will cause some small catastrophes, but
this is normal and is to be expected. It is an opportunity to work
collectively as spiritual beings.

Minority-group Cabal and its military allies around the world are
keeping and using Star Beings as prisoners to further their acts of
world domination. We would ask that these Star Beings to be released
without harm. They, in turn, will not harm and will hold no grudge.

The Symbol of Truth craft traveling across your planet is a real
starcraft. It may pass through your area or city and you are welcome,
even encouraged, to take photos or video images as you like. The
starcraft is a gift from us as a Symbol of Truth that reminds all of
humanity that the Star People are an integral part of your history and
your future. Share this knowledge and be proud to know that what you
have seen is real. We repeat: The Symbol of Truth starcraft in the sky
is genuine.

Do not be fooled by any imitations or Cabal attempts to deny or
obscure this truth. Be prepared for their attempts at distractions, be
it a New Flu, Threat of Biological Attack, or Something Really
Surprising. They are proficient with fear-based actions and conjuring
imaginary enemies.

The Star Nations will approve of any form of peaceful, compassionate,
and insightful contact with humankind of any race, culture or
religion. It is time to embrace your true heritage at this pivotal
moment in your short history. This is only the beginning.

Further, we sincerely hope that in the coming short years that we can
present ourselves in person to the humans of the world. In the
meantime, let us begin this period of renewed peaceful relations and
work together until we reach the Point of (Formal) Contact. Then human
existence will surely transcend all of its previous advancements and
enter a new paradigm, a new age and an acceptance into an interstellar
circle of star cultures.

Be well and know that we love you all, forever and always.

In Service to Star Nations,

Talessian Namor , spokesperson for Star Nations

(also known by Earth name, "Mario Sasso"), Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada


Mr. Namor is assisted in his Earth communication work by Dr. Richard
Boylan, Ph.D., Sacramento, California, who is a policy interlocutor
for Star Nations. ( ) ( )

* Further details on the 11 Universal Laws and 11 Spiritual Laws can
be obtained at:

[link to]

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."

Samuel Adams


Lauren - From The Pleiadian High Council...

Hi All! It feels good to be back on the circuit! I have another beautiful message on the coming times from the Pleiadians...I hope you enjoy the energy that is emitted from this wonderful transmission as much as I enjoyed receiving it!

In the light,

6/30/06 9:37am

L Is there any one who wishes to speak with me at this time?
“We are with you beloved”
L: Who please?
“We are the Pleidian High Council”
L: Hello! Good morning!
P: Today is the final day in your calendar month of June. Months marks the end of a lunar cycle and the beginning of a new. This is especially evident in your cyclical events that occur and reoccur in 3d. What we would like to address here today is the marking of a new month and in fact a new era. July is known to many as the month of change. It is the beginning of a new Galactic year and cosmic cycle. How this pertains to you on earth is now becoming more and more obvious. We are in the throes of a great and mighty prophetic realization of the coming age. This realization is one that marks the beginning of an era of consciousness. To many, this era is one in which familiarity will commence. For others, this will be an era of growth and expansion into the multi-dimensional awareness that humans are finally capable of. With each passing hour we note the changes in your atmosphere and this is due to the rising pressure from feelings of helplessness among the masses. This feeling is what will force a quantum leap of change when the new energies of earth collide with the human race. It will take the mighty and the strong to realize that all that is coming forth for a new world is in fact pre-ordained and for the highest good of all. On the surface, it may appear to be chaotic and unruly, however, many will be comforted in knowing that the change for good has finally arrived.

In the throes of human turmoil is always the opening of greater opportunity. In this coming time the opportunites that will be bestowed upon you will have the greatest impact on your world as a whole. Together, you will be capable of the impossible. It is our duty and pleasure to assist you all in these grand moments and we will be close by for your comfort. Finally, a day in which we can all unite and plan the work of the new world, will soon be a reality. This will be a glorious day indeed.

What we present you with is an opportunity to see all that you have accomplished in such a short period of time. We are so pleased with the ways in which the light has emerged victorious. We have seen the work of few outnumber the selfish deeds of millions. The power of the light is so immense that it could hold a candle to illuminate a country. This light is who you are in truth. This light is what will make the new world. This light is what will bring your dreams to reality. We are amazed and continually impressed with the power and endurance of the people of earth. Blessings be.

As we express to you our gratitude for all that you have accomplished in such a short period of time, we note that you who are ready for your roles as teachers and wayshowers of the new earth shall indeed prepare to embark on your very new and glorious journey. This journey will be one of amazing adventure and challenge to quell the fears of many. It will be a time for lightworkers around the globe to unite in grand opposition to the forces of lower dimensional thinking. It will be up to all of you to portray the peace of the coming time with your overall sense of placid resolve. It will be in this space that you who walk forward in joy and love will become the beacons of hope for a lost soul. In their fury, they may resist your words, but the energy you emit will be unavoidable.

Take to your new roles in society as the omnipotent beings of light that you all are. This is what will herald the beginning of the new world. This light that you emit and bring forth for the masses will be the light of the way to the kingdom of glory. As you walk in peace and joy of truth, you will be called upon by many who wonder why you are joyous among chaos. This will be the distinguishing trait among those who walk in faith. This will be the force that will pull on the heartsrings of those who long to feel your comfort as you are able to maintain your center despite the outward appearance or illusions of turmoil.

We say these things to you so that you will understand the power of your vibratory essence. We observe that as you make way for the truth there may be times in which you feel as though you are making headway and times when you feel as though no one will listen to reason. We say to you, be patient and allow for those who need you to find seek you out. You have a saying that when the student is ready the teacher shall come. This is relative. You can only lead those who choose to be led. All others will find there own way. Some may return to you at a future time, others will not. All is in divine perfect order.

As you embark upon your new missions on the new earth, take heed for those who claim to teach the workings of God in vain. What we mean is this…there will be those who insist that the major religions have in fact predicted prophecies that are faulty. We see this as a probable outcome as so many who have been conditioned to fear based teachings. What we propose then is a method to initiate a loving atmosphere for a fearful soul. This will indeed be a challenge to suddenly reverse the thinking of a religious sect that has been programmed into thinking otherwise. Have firm resolve to keeping an open heart, for those who need it most may be the most adverse to it. This will be the goal of every lightworker in the coming days, to simply remain open and loving to all who wander.

This brings us to the issue of your governing councils. The governing systems in the Untied States are void of compassionate and dignified leaders. Soon, the attention will turn away from government and more toward the people. When the whole of society begins to realize that there needs are not being met and that they have in fact been lied to many times over, they will begin to understand that true power comes from uniting with one another. Country men and women will gather and join hands for a better life. Relying upon one another to live in harmony will become the way of the world. It is in this time that all who pretend to deliver the needs of the people will become exposed for their dark agendas. It will also be in this time that all who work for the people will step forth into there new roles in society. These new leaders will hold the highest intention for all. No longer will your society be segregated and unfairly distributed based on inequality. All humans will have the same resources from which to gather. We all unite under one God and this will become the foundation of a joyous venture together. This will be the grand result of much hard work.

We also wish to parlay the coming changes in your media and press. It is no secret that the media is a tightly controlled conglomerate of those who wish to deceive you. There is coming a movement so powerful that it will force your media to report the truth to the people, maybe even for the first time. It is in this movement that those of pure heart will finally be free to express themselves as they wholly desire. You may be surprised at the amount of false information that has been presented over time. We say to you, resist nothing. Keep an open mind for even those whom you have looked up to and know that even the most moral an dignified role models are subject to weakness. These people who may have turned to the lower ways especially need your love. Please keep an open heart and open mind for all, do not distinguish right from wrong as it is all relative under one God. There may be surprises and there may be moments of clarity, however all deserve just treatment under Creators law. No one is more or less worthy of such treatment as we are all one.

As the media begins to tell the truth, there may be many who revolt against the tryrrany that you have been under. This revolting is not encouraged, however you must take into consideration the harsh amount of suffering that some of these beings may have endured. We are in no way promoting the idea of violence, but we say to you hold forgiveness in your heart and have compassion for those who have known extreme suffering in their lives. This will be short lived as soon all will have the abundance that is due, however as the cycle in duality draws to a close many need to still play out unresolved issues related to karma. You are encouraged at this stage of the game to comfort even those in rage for it will be those who are ripe for transmutation. As your hearts unite so too will your society and in this grieving and rage of deception and lies comes the greatest uplifting and uniting of human beings as equal souls. This is the most advantageous and beautiful unfoldment process that should be looked upon with great admiration and joy.

Now as we relate to you many pending aspects of a future in transistion, we also propose that you all find joy in your work and your ways. The joy you feel will be one of an elevated vibration as you will know that you are all provided for by Creator and that the time of duality has indeed come to an end. In these moments find time to celebrate your arrival and your many years of personal hard work. Find the joy in being in a body during the most unbelievable time in your world’s history. To that fact alone, you must know how important a role you play in the end times. You are all here to experience the grand journey to Source and that is no small feat.

We present you with many gifts and opportunities to live your hearts desires and Creator has heard your cries for help. In earnest we have come to assist and to lift you to a place of well deserved respite for your new world that is emerging before your very eyes. Take with you the promise of a better life and share your vision with all who will hear. Allow everyone you meet to see the bigger picture of life through your eyes. That will be your gift to the world, a most noble a gracious gift of all. Peace.

We are the Pleiadian High Council and we play a major role in the ascension of your planet. We oversee many avenues of the process and we are delighted and proud to be a part of such a momentous journey. Mostly, we thank you for bringing these opportunities to yourself and to others and for paving the way to the Golden Age. Farewell friends, we will be watching over you from your skies.
L: Thank you!