Ascension - 2012


Seven Tribes of Light that are known as the Central Race

Student: Are you referring to the seven root races of Earth?
Teacher: No. The seven races of humankind are part of the most ancientgenetic line of the universe in which Earth is an infinitesimal component. I'm referring to the seven genetic archetypes that residewithin the Seven Tribes of Light that are known as the Central Race.They are sometimes referred to as the Elohim, Shining Ones, or WingMakers.
Student: And you're saying that these beings are separated into seven, genetic groups?
Teacher: The Grand Universe consists of seven universes, and each ofthese converges in the central-most region of the Grand Universe. It is within this region that the seven, physical manifestations of First Source live, each an archetype of the human instrument designed forthe universe of its destiny.
Student: Are you saying there are seven versions of God?
Teacher: There is only one God, but there are seven human instruments — each with different attributes and capabilities — that the one Godinhabits. Our universe is associated with the Seventh Archetype, and it is this expression of First Source that interacts with, andgoverns, our universe.
Student: Are all seven universes like our own?
Teacher: The physical worlds are similar in all material respects, but the life forms that populate them possess different geneticcapabilities, forms, and expressions, each based on the archetype of First Source.
Student: A human instrument from universe one would not be similar to a human instrument from any of the other six universes?
Teacher: Correct.
Student: But isn't this true even within our own universe? Not all humanoid life forms look the same?
Teacher: This is not a matter of appearance. You are 99% identical to a chimpanzee — genetically speaking — and yet you undoubtedly consideryourself quite different in appearance.
Student: What you're saying is that all humanoid life forms,regardless of where they are located within our universe, are genetically linked to the Seventh Archetype of First Source?
Teacher: Correct, but you can extend this to include a broad spectrum of other life forms as well. In other words, it's not just the humaninstrument.
Student: Then in the other six universes, each has its own archetypethat is embodied by God, and the life forms of these universes conform to this archetype — at least from a genetic perspective, if not inappearance. Is this accurate?
Teacher: Yes.
Student: Then the obvious question is why? Why does First Sourcedivide itself into seven, genetic universes?
Teacher: When you approach a vast mystery, a mystery as infinite as the Grand Universe, what do you, as the creator, desire above allother things?
Student: Assurance that the universes will not be destroyed.
Teacher: Assume that you have no doubt of this — so perfect is your plan.
Student: Then I would probably want to inhabit what I created andexplore it.
Teacher: And how would you do this?
Student: I would need to travel somehow.
Teacher: Assume that you are the Seventh Archetype of First Source. You are alone in your universe, and the universe is populated onlywith celestial bodies. There are no sentient life forms and no method of travel.
Student: But isn't that what Source Intelligence is for? Doesn't First Source utilize Source Intelligence for its travel or omnipresence?
Teacher: Let me remind you that we are discussing a physical expression of God. The Seventh Archetype of First Source is not ableto travel about the universe independent of the laws of the universe. You may think of these seven Archetypes as the Human Instruments ofFirst Source, and attribute similar characteristics and limitations tothem, as we ourselves must bear.
Student: So, the physical archetypes of First Source do not share the omnipresence and omniscience of their Father?
Teacher: They do not.
Student: Do they operate as a team, or are they independent?
Teacher: They operate in cooperation and collaboration, but theyexercise their sovereign wills as it pertains to the universe under their charge.
Student: Were the archetypes of First Source created right after thecreation of the Grand Universe?
Teacher: They were created in succession the same way a family is created.
Student: Why?
Teacher: There is much to learn from the creation of one that can bepassed on to the next.
Student: I want to see if I understand this correctly. At some pointin time there was a Grand Universe created by First Source, consisting of seven universes, each governed by a physical expression of FirstSource. The universes were devoid of life other than celestial bodieslike stars and planets. Is this correct so far?
Teacher: Yes.
Student: And then the creation of life occurred. How?
Teacher: First Archetype of First Source created life forms, what weshall call, the Central Race of First Universe. These beings were verypowerful and not unlike their creator in function and form. They, in turn, created the genetic structures that became the first, purephysical soul carriers that housed the individuated spirit energies ofFirst Source.
Student: And this repeated itself six more times?
Teacher: Each universe was populated with genetic structures that werebased on the Archetype of First Source for that particular universe.Each genetic structure had unique capabilities that were suited forthe exploration and colonization of their particular universe.
Student: So, there are seven, different, genetic structures of soulcarriers exploring the Grand Universe. For what reason? Why does FirstSource design the universe this way?
Teacher: The Grand Universe is a vast network of life-bearing planets that enable the individuated spirit consciousness, housed within asoul carrier or human instrument, to interact with the limitationsthat physical worlds — by their very structure — impose. Byinteracting with these limitations, the genetic structures evolve, and in this evolution, they become unified.
Student: Are you saying that evolution's final form is unity?
Teacher: Not in all species, but in the most advanced formats ofphysical existence, unity is the outcome of evolution.
Student: Why?
Teacher: When you create something that is in your image, what do youthink is the most difficult thing to do?
Student: Let it go?
Teacher: Correct. You want your creation to explore and colonize the universe, but you also want your creation to return. Thus, you instilla fundamental instinct within your creation to desire to return totheir place of origin. This is the unification instinct and it is oneof the most powerful instincts designed into the soul carriers, ofwhich the human instrument is one.
Student: Then human-like, soul carriers exist throughout the GrandUniverse, and all of them are designed to explore the expanding universe, but also to return to the central-most region after they'redone. This doesn't make a lot of sense.
Teacher: It is not the soul carriers that return. These arephysical-based vehicles that, like all physical matter, decay and transform. Only the Wholeness Navigator within the soul carrierneither decays nor transforms. It remains everlasting, and within thisspecific element of humanity it is designed to return to its origins.
Student: Where does one draw the line between First Source and otherlife forms?
Teacher: How do you mean this?
Student: Are the Archetypes of First Source separate from FirstSource. In other words, do they have their own identity, or do they think of themselves as First Source? In the same way, what about theCentral Race?
Teacher: There are five rings of life that comprise First Source. Atthe center is the consciousness of First Source. At the whole is Source Intelligence. In between are three rings of life: the sevenArchetypes of First Source, the Central Race, and the individuatedspirit-essence, or Wholeness Navigator.
Student: And each of these rings of life draws their identity from First Source?
Teacher: Yes.
Student: What you're really saying is that all of these life forms arethreaded together as one consciousness?
Teacher: No more than a family is one consciousness.
Student: They are separate?
Teacher: They are both separate and unified.
Student: How?
Teacher: The five rings of life are distinct forms of consciousness.In the formless state, each ring of life is aware of its unity, purpose, and inherent kinship with the others. In the physical realms,where consciousness is expressed through a dimensionally focusedsoul-carrier, they have a diminished awareness of this connection.Thus, they are both separate and unified, depending upon which strata of consciousness the entity is focused.
Student: Then you're saying that even the Archetypes of First Source,since they have a physical body, operate in the three-dimensionalworld without a strong sense of connection to First Source? It hardly seems possible.
Teacher: No one within the Central Race pretends to know the degree inwhich the Archetypes of First Source have a diminished capacity torecall their Source vibration. However, those within the Central Race are well aware of how the soul carriers of three-dimensionalsubstance, create the condition of separation in which divine recallis reduced to such a degree that the entity regards itself as separatefrom First Source, and therefore its capabilities.
Student: Separate from the capabilities of First Source?
Teacher: If you believe you are an ant, how do you behave differentlythan an eagle?
Student: But an ant is not an eagle.
Teacher: But the Wholeness Navigator is First Source. If the ant were an eagle, in every respect except form, but associated itscapabilities with that of an ant, the eagle would slowly lose itsability to fly, it's entire physical body, mind, and emotional make-upwould change. Its soul carrier would literally devolve.
Student: Our bodies cause our souls to devolve?
Teacher: No. Our sense of separation from our Source vibration causesour human instrument to remain devolved. The devolution has alreadyoccurred; it is merely perpetuated.
Student: Then the goal is to awaken this Source vibration and begin tore-associate with its divinity – this is what causes the humaninstrument to evolve in the direction of the Wholeness Navigator?
Teacher: If you are going to start a fire, what do you need?
Student: Dry wood, kindling and a lot of work generating sufficientheat to combust the kindling.
Teacher: And what is the most critical of these?
Student: I suppose the kindling.
Teacher: Can you start a fire without any of the elements?
Student: No.
Teacher: Are you sure?
Student: Well, I could start a fire with the kindling, but without the dry wood, it won't last very long.
Teacher: Aren't they all critical then?
Student: Yes.
Teacher: And if I had all the critical components to start a fire, butI had no experience, would I be able to produce fire?
Student: Probably not.
Teacher: I might not even know, if someone were to give me all ofthese items, that their purpose was to create a fire. Correct?
Student: Correct.
Teacher: So we can add experiential knowledge as a critical component.
Student: Yes.
Teacher: And what if I didn't see the need for a fire?
Student: Okay, so you also need a reason or desire.
Teacher: Yes. Desire and purpose is critical.
Student: Okay, I agree we can add that to our expanding list.
Teacher: And if we were outside and it was raining and our kindlingbecame wet—
Student: I understand, conditions must be right.
Teacher: So conditions are important also?
Student: Yes, but where are you going with this? I don't understand how this applies to my question about what causes the WholenessNavigator to evolve?
Teacher: You simplified your question to the extreme. The equations ofevolution are so complex that they are invisible to the mind of the human instrument. It is not merely the re-association with the Sourcevibration or God-Fragment that draws the Wholeness Navigator to itdivinity and re-asserts its capabilities as a replica of First Source.This equation carries thousands upon thousands of critical elementsbundled in a coherent, carefully orchestrated path. I wanted you toremember this.
Student: But isn't it necessary to simplify in order to approach the subject? How can anyone give all of these factors equal weight andstill have an intelligent discussion?
Teacher: That's my point. You cannot.
Student: So we can't even discuss it?
Teacher: No, not with any degree of accuracy. Evolutionary circuits are dependent on complex systems, and these systems are so vast andmultifaceted that words – when applied to depict them – only serve tobring focus on one element and this element is never – in itself –powerful enough to catalyze or mobilize the evolutionary path.
Student: So what does?
Teacher: If you had a magical friend that was infallible in herjudgment. Perfect in her decisions because she saw clear to thedestination of First Source and therefore knew how to travel the landscape to achieve her reunion with God. What would you do with thisfriend?
Student: I'd listen to them. I'd ask them for directions and guidance.I'd follow as closely behind them as I could.
Teacher: Even if they led you to a cliff and jumped off.
Student: Well, if I really believed they had this infallible judgmentas you put it, yes, even if they jumped off a cliff. Somehow I'd trustthat I would be okay if I followed them over.
Teacher: What if they didn't know you were following and they had capabilities that you did not? In this example, they could fly, butyou could not.
Student: I guess I would have made a terrible mistake in followingthem, and I'd die as a result.
Teacher: So your friend's judgment, even though it was infallible for herself, led to your own destruction.
Student: Yes.
Teacher: So who then do you offer your trust to?
Student: Myself.
Teacher: And why?
Student: Because I know my own limitations.
Teacher: So what do you think is the mobilizing factor for one'sevolutionary path to Wholeness and unity?
Student: You mean if I could sum it up in a single concept – despitethe fact you showed me earlier that it couldn't be done?
Teacher: You're learning very well.
Student: It would be to trust myself.
Teacher: What part of your self?
Student: The soul.
Teacher: And not the carrier?
Student: Okay, I would need to trust the whole of me.
Teacher: Trust the parts and the whole. Trust the connection of theseto First Source. Trust the God-Fragment that orchestrates all of thiscomplexity into coherent experience and knowledge that assures therecollection of your divinity. Trust the evolutionary process definedby First Source. Trust each of these above the external voices thatmeet you, no matter how infallible they may appear to be. Trust yourself-knowing and its ability to guide you in the ascending spiral of your journey.
Student: Even though I am but a student?
Teacher: Are we not all students?
Student: But there are those who know more than me. I don't feel likeI know that much to trust myself. How can I overcome this self-doubt?
Teacher: It is not something to overcome. If it were, would you thenrequire trust?
Student: I suppose not.
Teacher: When you grapple with the finer distinctions of a concept,you invariably come to a wall that defines the limits of your memory or experience. When you find this wall, there is nothing wrong withseeking help from others, but remember that you are the entity that ismost aware of your own needs. The wall that you find may be preciselywhat you need at that time.
Student: Then it seems that I need to become more aware of myself-interests and needs.
Teacher: The needs that you have which fuel your evolution as aSovereign Integral. If you are hungry, your stomach will remind you. If you are tired, you will yawn and your eyelids will becomeunbearably heavy. What is the equivalent for your evolution as aSovereign Integral?
Student: It's an interesting question. I don't know.
Teacher: What causes you to search for your higher self?
Student: I guess unanswered questions. Not knowing who I am, where Iam going, or why I am here.
Teacher: Really? Unanswered questions awaken you to your highest self-interests?
Student: I can tell by your question that I answered wrong. What is itthen?
Teacher: It is inspiration! Inspiration from the spiritual masters whocame before you. Inspiration from Nature. Inspiration from art. But most importantly, it is the inspiration that enters from the realm ofthe Wholeness Navigator within you, into your human instrument andthen tirelessly kindles your desire to recollect the reality of theGod-Fragment stored inside you.
Student: How do I recognize this inspiration?
Teacher: It is not important to recognize it. It only matters that youfeel it and welcome its presence because this is how you developself-trust and self-knowing.
Student: Are there techniques to accomplish this?
Teacher: Of course.
Student: What are they?
Teacher: You haven't invented them yet?
Student: I thought you might know some that you could share.
Teacher: I know my own. I do not know yours.
Student: They're different for everyone?
Teacher: I don't know.
Student: How did you create your own techniques?
Teacher: If you want to establish a relationship with someone that you want to know, what are some of the things you do?
Student: I might invite them for a conversation over tea, or possiblywrite them an introductory letter describing my wish to meet them.
Teacher: And if they don't respond.
Student: I will probably assume that they are too busy, or morelikely, not interested in meeting me.
Teacher: Then this is the problem.
Student: What?
Teacher: The human instrument gives up too easy, if it invites the Wholeness Navigator into its realm at all.
Student: I think we're all sensitive to rejection.
Teacher: Do you think it's possible to be rejected by the divineinstruments of First Source?
Student: I never thought about it before. Maybe?
Teacher: It is not. The divine instruments of First Source are evervigilant for sincere prayers, and never reject the offer to extendtheir presence within the human instrument of an entity that desiresto ascend in consciousness. This is an immutable law of the universe.
Student: Is there a better way to extend this invitation than simplyasking in prayer?
Teacher: It is not your words that will be heard. It is your feelings and the purity of their motivation. You could be drunk from wine andswearing in your loudest voice, but if your innermost feelings werepure, sincere, humble, and motivated by love, your invitation would beanswered. In contrast, you could be meditating for days, striving tobe of perfect character, and asking in the quietest whisper of a clearmind, but if you were tainted with the motivations of honor and pride,your invitation would most likely be declined.
Student: Why would the Wholeness Navigator, or any divine instrumentof First Source, care?
Teacher: Why do you care if the food you eat is served on a cleanplate or a dirty floor?
Student: I don't understand the comparison.
Teacher: The human instrument is a vessel or soul carrier. Upon yourplanet, it houses the pure and perfect instrument of First Source: theWholeness Navigator. If the human instrument is impure with thoughts of materiality, motivations of self-aggrandizement, or actions ofhatred, it makes the soul carrier less receptive to the vibrations ofthe Wholeness Navigator. In some cases, the Wholeness Navigator, if itenters into such a vessel and offers its capabilities, these very capabilities are corrupted for selfish purposes.
Student: So the Wholeness Navigator does not want its capabilities tobecome contaminated by an impure soul carrier?
Teacher: This is partially true, but it is more that the God-Fragment within you chooses to expose its energies to a human instrument thathas invited it to share its vision and understanding. Once it isinvited, it will monitor the response of the human instrument to itspresence. If the invitations are repeatedly extended, the God-Fragment will continue to materialize as an infused, spirit-led consciousnessthat directs the human instrument in its earthly mission.
Student: It sounds like the God-Fragment takes over. Is that how it is?
Teacher: The God-Fragment injects divine perspective to the human instrument. It enables the soul carrier to become the soul's vision inservice to First Source. In doing this, the human instrument istransformed.
Student: I understand. I think I need some time to sort all of this out. Thank you for sharing your perspective and helping me with myunderstanding.
Teacher: You are very welcome.


Diane 11/30/05, Mike Quinsey

Diane 11.30.05

In your minds you have often visualized a state of perfection, but
it is normally restricted to the memories of it that you have
perceived upon Earth. In fact there are natural areas such as in
your tropical regions that lend themselves to much beauty. Areas
where so many different plants and fauna exist, and an array of
bright colors that compliment each other, In your seas the living
coral exists in great reefs of beauty, as it is visited by a
multitude of fish and other creatures that show off an exquisite
range of colors. Trees and bushes, their flowers and fruits, are a
panorama of different shapes and colors, and the home of animal and
insect life. You have much to stir your imagination, and all that
you see was first in the mind of its creator.

Is it not amazing that on Earth, alongside the beauty the ugliness
is played out and yet it helps you appreciate what is pleasing to
your eyes. Your Earth is truly a great show house, that even in its
moments of drama that have entailed changes, there is still beauty
as it is re-shaped. Mountains gloriously reach up to the sky, and
valleys dip into the earth creating their own lazy patterns. You say
beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but no one can deny the great
vista of fantastic scenarios that are to be seen everywhere. In the
lands of snow and ice, there is another beauty in the often gently
windswept landscapes. Even in the sandy dunes the finger of God can
be seen.

Dear Ones, your Earth is unique and the creation of great minds. It
still has the magic that has existed for eons of time, but it has
been despoiled by Man's activities to earn a living from his
environment. It has been destroyed in senseless wars where
destruction has altered the face of the Earth. You will know that
your seas are heavily polluted, and marine life has been depleted by
your over fishing. This is not a criticism, merely an observation of
the result of commercial ventures that are bleeding the seas dry. On
land indiscriminate changes are brought about, and you see the
effect quite soon where it has unbalanced your environment.

One of your problems is that you can rarely find agreement amongst
yourselves as to how to protect your environment. Each group has
vested interests, and sometimes it comes down to maintaining the
livelihood of your native inhabitants. Now, after many decades of
development by your industrialized nations, there is much to remedy
to restore your Earth to its previous beauty.

The plan for Earth is its restoration to its former beauty, and you
will realize that this is a major task. However, we have not just
the technology to carry out this work, but also individual powers
that enable us to raise up energies that have become depleted. The
Earth can in part be healed exactly as you can, and it extends to re-
creating that which existed previously. The etheric pattern still
exists around Earth and matter will be re-organized to once again
fit the original patterning. Mother Earth, the great conscious
Goddess will also wield her power, and you already see some of the
changes re-shaping certain areas.

There is to be a return to the pristine condition of Earth that will
reflect all of the beauty that first existed. You as individuals are
also are going through similar changes, and you will re-claim your
place amongst the mighty Angelic Beings. The Creator is keeping a
promise to you that once your cycle of duality was completed, you
would be fully restored to your original Self. Your were then
glorious Beings of Light, and still are now even although you have
dropped down into the lower vibrations. Some are now remembering and
accepting that they are not their physical body, and that it is only
a temporary vehicle for this journey.

Life is most wonderful and interesting throughout the Universe, and
in time you shall once again be able to continue your travels. This
time you will be knowingly co-creating with God, and will carry out
his work in great service to others. It is exciting and so
fulfilling to venture into new areas of space and see the wonders of
other worlds, and the various life forms that inhabit them. We of
the Galactic Federation, are just one arm of a massive Brotherhood
of workers that travel in peace and love, tending to our fellow
souls. Creation is continually taking place, and there seems to be
no end to it along with the surprises and challenges it can produce.

You will certainly need an open mind to venture forth, and our
coming will help open you up to the vast possibilities in front of
you. Our work is a labor of love, and it is most rewarding to see
other souls in their various guises working through their chosen
path. Everything is continually moving and evolving, and there is no
sense of boredom that sometimes afflicts you on Earth. There will
no ,longer be pain or discomfort, as that cannot exist in the higher
dimensions. All is beauty and in harmony, from the tiniest creation
to the magnificent galaxies that will fire your imagination and take
your breath away.

I am Diane, and in my awareness of your present growth into the
Light, I can say that you have started your new path. The old and
new ones are still running together, but you will find that you
becoming detached from that which no longer serves you. It is as
though you look over your shoulder and see what was, and it
gradually disappears into the distance. Let it go and put your
energy into the new that is about to open up before you. The most
wonderful times are approaching, and we of the skies are so pleased
that you have achieved your return to your family from Space. We
many times whisper encouragement into your ears, and give you a
loving hug. Blessings dear Earth Ones, you are so loved.

Thank you Diane

Mike Quinsey


Sheldan Nidle Galactic Federation Update 11/29/05

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

10 Akbal, 6 Yaxk'in, 1 Caban

Greetings, dear Hearts! We come again with many interesting things to tell you. We first ask you not to be discouraged by the slowness of the events of the day. Much of immense value is occurring behind closed doors. The communications that we continue to receive tell us that meaningful progress is being made on a number of vital fronts. Putting an end to a group that knows how to use the powers conferred on it by the fact that it is the current American government is an incredible undertaking. We wish that we were able to go into greater detail in these matters. As you know, we are governed by the procedures that our diplomatic personnel have marked out for us. Accordingly, we have held back from implementing a number of scenarios that we planned nearly half a decade ago. This was done to appease our Earth allies and also to comply with the prohibition of our heavenly supervisors. This means that a variety of options remain open to us. However, we are not to "go down these roads" unless our heavenly supervisors authorize it. Heaven is the prime mover in these events. The divine plan has outlined what is to happen and how. These directives shape our actions and determine how we plan the concluding act of the cosmic drama called first contact. This operation, as noted many times before, is being carried out on many interconnected levels. Keep in mind that your reality, your global society, and your place in this galaxy are being drastically changed. Such a massive transformation in consciousness is no small matter to contend with. The implications of this are monumental and, quite simply, mind-blowing. In a short time, you are being made ready to accept things that are currently beyond your comprehension. This requires a strategy that forces the dark's hand and at once permits a predetermined victory for the Light. All this is now well underway. The institutions for change are now in place. The rules for a new integrated American domestic and global banking system are written. The last known obstacle is the present North American regime whose power stretches from Hudson Bay to the borders of Mexico. On other fronts, your astronomers are recording important and "inexplicable" changes in your solar system. They also observe many strange phenomena throughout the observed universe. The same oddities are occurring on and around your Sun. These things astound and frighten your secret rulers. These last obstinate ones devise methods to defend themselves against us while still searching for ways to stay in power. But what their scientists report confirms the futility of their efforts. And still these dark ones persist. Each time they discover a new move of attrition against them, they tighten their grip on the global movement of money. They know full well that money lies at the root of power, and they therefore monitor and manipulate it carefully. Our Earth allies likewise know this. The result is a financial war that has turned deadly in its attempts to evict these defiant ones. Our role is to ensure that our allies be instantly informed of all devious and sudden movements of the dark so that appropriate countermeasures can be taken. This covert war has been waging ever since this cabal illegally seized control of the American government in 2000. But, inevitably, their growing arrogance will be their undoing. So great is this cabal's sense of superiority and invulnerability that it has conducted a huge number of highly profitable and illegal financial activities. Recently, however, our Earth allies put a stop to many of these transactions. The appropriation of these accounts badly eroded the plans of this cabal and started a process to rein in its attempt to dominate the world's financial markets. As a result, it has seen many more of its key associates jumping ship, which has dealt severe body blows to its operating capacity. As you can see, our Earth allies now possess a weapon that can permanently cripple the effectiveness of this last cabal. As each part of the operation to unseat the illegal American regime moves forward, there comes a time when one action intertwines with another. At this point, it is necessary to create diversions that will misdirect the actions of this cabal. Elaborate back-up events are staged to lure it down a path that can end in its swift destruction. With the advantage now afforded by recently acquired assets, our Earth allies have set up two such traps for the downfall of the cabal. One option comprises a very swift series of events leading to its defeat; the other is a slightly slower scenario that would have the same result. Each path is manned by two separate teams that are in constant communication with each other and that are both determined to complete this task in the time allotted. Needless to say, we carefully monitor each team and help them to ensure success. While these two teams work diligently toward their goals, Mother Earth prepares for vast changes to her surface configuration. These preparations have already resulted in many preliminary adjustments, including the earthquake-tsunami of Christmas 2004 and the large 2005 earthquake in the southern Himalayas. These large-scale movements are, however, as nothing compared to what the upcoming Earth changes can potentially dish out. We are living through the mere beginnings of a period in Earth history when already, in the past four decades, the number of category 4 and 5 hurricanes have more than tripled, and the number of earthquakes of level 6, 7, and 8 on the modern Richter scale have more than quadrupled. We tell you this only to inform you and help you better understand the enormous scope of the changes you are going through. This shift in consciousness inevitably creates sweeping changes to your reality and to your understanding of how your reality operates. Your technology has produced a global society that is highly fragmented and filled with deep divisions. Yet these same technologies also permitted great changes in the way you perceive each other spiritually, and this is preparing you for the changes mentioned above. Put another way, your state of limited consciousness has a paradoxical effect: it seeks on the one hand to maintain the status quo, and on the other, to constantly improve the lot and the understanding of the individual. And herein lie the seeds of change. The enlightened quickly know the divine simplicity and truth within this seeming contradiction. It has brought you to your modern world, but also to the brink of self-extermination! Yet your rise in consciousness pulled you back from the brink and is, instead, paving the way to your salvation. In such an environment, a formal first contact takes time to precipitate. Heaven knows this and devised a perfect scheme to "leaven the dough". Acting like fragments of yeast, myriad little "lightening" actions done anonymously around the globe set you on your heavenly path. The big changes now underway are also accomplished in the detail. These details are almost impossible to discern as they emerge; yet, hidden among the maze of confusion generated by the dark, each Light-inspired detail sets up the inevitable. Once these details reach critical mass and start to meld, the momentum generated is too great for the dark to counter. This melding is happening at an increasing rate, and now this reality finds itself firmly turned around and swept up into a final push toward its divine destiny. See how truly miraculous are the subtle ways of Heaven! Today, we continued our discussion about how change is happening on your world. Be patient, and at the same time in joyous anticipation of your inevitable divine victory! What you are living though is at once the end of the old reality and the beginning of a glorious new one. Remember, Together, We are indeed Victorious! We now take our leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Kasijaram! (Sirian for Be One! and Be Blessed in Love and Joy!)


St. Germain 28.11.2005

You need hardly telling that the pressure is on the last cabal, and it increases from all quarters. The energy for change moves on unabated and indeed becomes stronger and is speeding up its affect. With it comes more attempts to spread disinformation, and so dismay those who are participating in the actions taking place.

How do you sort out valid information from that which is not, the answer is to firstly rely on your intuition. Secondly weigh up the facts as they are known to you, and determine if there is enough evidence to support them. If there is, disregard other claims until you know beyond reasonable doubt that they hold some facets of truth.

You will understand that everyone when they are cornered, will resort to any response they feel can get them out of their position. Be wary particularly at this present time, as the Light is head to head with the dark that are looking for a way out. There is so much taking place that you could not reasonably expect to discover. The dark meet, the dark talk and use whatever is at their disposal to halt developments that are engulfing them.
Simply know that you are winning this fight, and do not be swayed from your path and as they say, keep your eye on the ball. Doubt and fear only arm the dark, and the one thing we do not wish to see is any escalation of such energies. The light has grown immensely over the last few years, and every credit goes to those who have patiently worked to spread the\r\n truth. Such persons are not always those who are already aware of their Light, but are imbued with a strong feeling for justice and truth. It is the continual searching and revelations that are enforcing people’s feelings about many events that have recently happened. I will have to take issue about some of the comments that are made about NESARA. I stand by my comment that there are Funds to support it, and a World Trust exists that has been in existence for a very long time. It should be reasonably obvious that the details are closely guarded as is the location of these funds. These funds together with the confiscation of the wealth held by the Illuminati, will go towards one of the first applications of NESARA, and that is to virtually eliminate all debt. Bear in\r\n mind that the families of the Illuminati hold the largest percentage of the world’s wealth, and most of this has been acquired illegally. All governments themselves hold treasure chests in reserve, and the wealth of the world will be re-distributed. There is in all respects a lot of re-organization to be carried out, but there are already task forces ready that are equal to it. Bear in mind that the benefits of NESARA will be largely achieved by amendments to your laws, and certainly the removal of those draconian measures that are meant to severely restrict your freedom. The “clear out” will bring people together who will bear the inconvenience of changes, as they will see the golden pot at the end of the rainbow.",1]

Simply know that you are winning this fight, and do not be swayed from your path and as they say, keep your eye on the ball. Doubt and fear only arm the dark, and the one thing we do not wish to see is any escalation of such energies. The light has grown immensely over the last few years, and every credit goes to those who have patiently worked to spread the truth. Such persons are not always those who are already aware of their Light, but are imbued with a strong feeling for justice and truth. It is the continual searching and revelations that are enforcing people’s feelings about many events that have recently happened.

I will have to take issue about some of the comments that are made about NESARA. I stand by my comment that there are Funds to support it, and a World Trust exists that has been in existence for a very long time. It should be reasonably obvious that the details are closely guarded as is the location of these funds. These funds together with the confiscation of the wealth held by the Illuminati, will go towards one of the first applications of NESARA, and that is to virtually eliminate all debt. Bear in mind that the families of the Illuminati hold the largest percentage of the world’s wealth, and most of this has been acquired illegally.

All governments themselves hold treasure chests in reserve, and the wealth of the world will be re-distributed. There is in all respects a lot of re-organization to be carried out, but there are already task forces ready that are equal to it. Bear in mind that the benefits of NESARA will be largely achieved by amendments to your laws, and certainly the removal of those draconian measures that are meant to severely restrict your freedom. The “clear out” will bring people together who will bear the inconvenience of changes, as they will see the golden pot at the end of the rainbow.
In a society where there is equality and it is seen to be so, people will more readily come forth with the intention of helping to establish the new ways and methods that will carry everyone forward. We know already who will immediately stand at the helm, and it is clearly so important that trustworthy people are given the authority to take the decisions. Much of the groundwork has already been put into place, and events will swiftly move on once they start. Once the changes start they must achieve their aims very quickly, and the planning is in place to ensure that this is so. There are not\r\n years and years left for us all to amble along, and we are looking at no more than 2 years for completion of all tasks. There is much to do after the changes have been completed, and the focus will be on preparing you all for the next stages of your journey. It is you as individuals who will receive every attention as you are enlightened ready for the end times. You are feeling that there are grand events about to occur, and it is certainly foreseen that they will overtake the plans of the Illuminati. Circumstances can often force the issue and bring about the desired result, without any direct action being taken. The dark also perceive where the danger to them is coming from, and they ill try to pre-empt what they see as a threat to them and their position. It is\r\n not just in America that changes are afoot, and in many countries those at the top are feeling the pressure for change. The news media is as ever very tightly controlled, and you do not get to hear of all of the challenges against those in power.",1]

In a society where there is equality and it is seen to be so, people will more readily come forth with the intention of helping to establish the new ways and methods that will carry everyone forward. We know already who will immediately stand at the helm, and it is clearly so important that trustworthy people are given the authority to take the decisions. Much of the groundwork has already been put into place, and events will swiftly move on once they start.

Once the changes start they must achieve their aims very quickly, and the planning is in place to ensure that this is so. There are not years and years left for us all to amble along, and we are looking at no more than 2 years for completion of all tasks. There is much to do after the changes have been completed, and the focus will be on preparing you all for the next stages of your journey. It is you as individuals who will receive every attention as you are enlightened ready for the end times.

You are feeling that there are grand events about to occur, and it is certainly foreseen that they will overtake the plans of the Illuminati. Circumstances can often force the issue and bring about the desired result, without any direct action being taken. The dark also perceive where the danger to them is coming from, and they ill try to pre-empt what they see as a threat to them and their position. It is not just in America that changes are afoot, and in many countries those at the top are feeling the pressure for change. The news media is as ever very tightly controlled, and you do not get to hear of all of the challenges against those in power.
Be assured that there has never been a moment of doubt as to which way Humanity is heading. The Light is searching out that which is not of the truth, and anything but the truth will not eventually survive. The cleansing will be thorough and complete, and you will not fail to notice the difference in\r\n the vibration upon Earth. Yes, you can and will feel the joy and happiness all around and this is an energy that will be so uplifting. It will be a feeling of release from the imposing and restrictive energies that have held you back for eons of time. You have know within your hearts that life should be enjoyed, and give you pleasure and fulfillment. I am St. Germain and assure you that Heaven has decreed that the cycle of duality is now completed. This interim period is one that will be short although appearing to lack direction, but will soon take off in a spectacular way. Do what you do best, and the rewards will come your way. A joyous time beckons, and the negativity will be lifted and dispelled for ever. You are nearly there and it will not take much to tip\r\n the scales your way. The legions of Heaven draw nearer than ever, and surround you in their undying love. Call, on us for your strength and we will accompany you for these last few steps. Thank you St. Germain. Mike Quinsey. ",1]

Be assured that there has never been a moment of doubt as to which way Humanity is heading. The Light is searching out that which is not of the truth, and anything but the truth will not eventually survive. The cleansing will be thorough and complete, and you will not fail to notice the difference in the vibration upon Earth. Yes, you can and will feel the joy and happiness all around and this is an energy that will be so uplifting. It will be a feeling of release from the imposing and restrictive energies that have held you back for eons of time. You have know within your hearts that life should be enjoyed, and give you pleasure and fulfillment.

I am St. Germain and assure you that Heaven has decreed that the cycle of duality is now completed. This interim period is one that will be short although appearing to lack direction, but will soon take off in a spectacular way. Do what you do best, and the rewards will come your way. A joyous time beckons, and the negativity will be lifted and dispelled for ever. You are nearly there and it will not take much to tip the scales your way. The legions of Heaven draw nearer than ever, and surround you in their undying love. Call, on us for your strength and we will accompany you for these last few steps.

Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey.



with Ascended Master Kuthumi
Channelled through Michelle Eloff©
27 July, 2005
Johannesburg, RSA
This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted and the source of the information be acknowledged.
Please keep in mind that just reading this information will activate a process and shift for you. It is not the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, but you will still benefit from reading it and aligning your consciousness with the associated Master. All Questions & Answers from the session have been left in the transcript as we have found the answers too have been of great benefit to our readers.
I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet you at this time and to bring unto each of you the blessings of harmony, the blessings of grace and miracles and love. Greetings beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.
Beloved ones, as we gather in the presence of the Christ Light we manifest layers of Light for the purpose of facilitating your personal cycle of Accelerated Past Life Clearing. These layers of light are meant to support you by presenting to you clarity and understanding, intuition and insight as you allow yourself to surrender to the process of shedding the skins of your past, and in so doing allowing yourself to integrate the higher levels of love, knowledge and wisdom that you are clearly ready to integrate.
For you as a group, your Guides have made it known to all of us that you are ready to release cellularly the imprints and negative conditioning implants around poverty and conditional love consciousness. This means all conditioning imposed upon you by others in your external reality will begin to leave your energy field, it will be dismantled in the grids that make up the network of your light body so that you can truly step into the light of your authentic self, and the authentic identity you are working with so diligently to reintegrate will be supported by this process.
Accelerating a process of release need not be one of deep intense and traumatic release; we have set in place mechanisms of support with Archangel Miguel the Archangels Raphael, Ariel, Uriel, Zadkiel and Jophiel to assist all of you. The presence of the Archangelic leagues of light are felt intensely at this time, the Archangels are the closest they have ever been to your Planet in this current cycle. The reason for this is because of the amount of Light being integrated. The Archangels hold very high vibrations of energy. You have supported the upliftment of humanities consciousness and as more and more of humanities consciousness is rising to become one with Fifth Dimension so it is becoming possible for people to interact in a more conscious manner with the Angelic and Archangelic Realms.
Most of you have worked on integrating Seventh Dimensional Consciousness into the network and grid of your energy field, and the matrix of Crystalline energy that held you within the old conditioning have shattered to the levels necessary to release you permanently from old paradigm attachments to the fears the lower ego holds onto, the conditionings that the fearful inner child and fearful adolescent hold onto. There will be levels of anger that you need to face, for anger is what lies beneath fear, and fear is what feeds anger. By understanding your fear and your anger you liberate yourself and this is why the truth will always set you free.
Beloved ones, allowing yourself to experience the healing is important, I say allow yourself for a reason. Humanity is accustomed to controlling. Everything on your planet is controlled. Look at the systems in place in your world. What you spend your money on is controlled by the media, they pump you with information, which motivates your spending and determines your spending habits. The media in fact controls a great part of humanity's behaviour. The hierarchies that influence the media extend greatly. There are major countries in your world that control many of the mechanisms. Look at how you are forced into situations that you have no power over, you are forced to pay taxes into corrupt systems, you give your money to corrupt systems which then charge you interest for handling your money and give you very little interest in return. What you eat is controlled by federations that are supposedly to have your best interest at heart, the only thing they have at heart beloved ones is their bank balance and I say this not to frighten you, I say this so that you and the rest of humanity can realise how your world is controlled. It is a system of governments that promotes control not management. Because of this you are conditioned to control, you try and do this all the time therefore it is rather alien to you to simply let go and just allow synchronicity to manifest. With today's clearing process we will activate twelve levels of release through your genetic system and on a cellular level to support you in surrendering to the systems of the Universe, which have been put in place by your Fully Mastered Christed Self of the Light.
Another purpose in your being here today is that each of you are linked to a system of energy that will facilitate a Global Consciousness shift. This awakening is vital because it is linked to energy currently taking place which I spoke of 2 years ago already. I have mentioned it on a number of other occasions and I'm sure some of you may recall me saying specifically the time has come where the people of your world will reclaim their power. It is about giving the power back to the people and where there has been a imbalanced distribution of wealth it will come into balance, and you are witnessing that right now. The industries being affected by this will also have to reveal what they have been doing with their funds, there will also be a release of information regarding corruption within the hierarchy of the systems governing the industries currently being affected by the people insisting their power be reclaimed. This is representing the uprising within each individual inhabiting your planet. Many of them are unconscious of the shift, but those who are conscious understand the time is upon you to embrace your divine right to be on Earth, to embrace your divine right to have your needs met, your divine right to feel, to love, to be loved, to hear and to be heard, your divine right to be acknowledged and to be respected.
South Africa will undergo an Accelerated Past Life Clearing as well. As this Country that you are a part of opens its energy field to these time gates you will be supported in your personal needs. The twelve layers of energy will also be there to support South Africa. It will have a ripple affect that will move through the upper continent of Africa and bring relief to many of the suffering countries. It may be very subtle to begin with but as this wave of empowerment ripples through the continent as a result of the Goddess energy being reclaimed, that which has been out of balance will return to its natural state of unification and balance. It will ripple out to all the surrounding continents and you will see the shift globally and all that has been controlled will have to be surrendered to be managed. Is this clear to all of you so far? YES. Very well.
So let us begin now beloved ones, please close your eyes and make yourself comfortable on your chair begin by taking a deep breath in through your nose exhaling through your mouth. Take another deep breath in and as you exhale release all anxiety and tension from your day and allow yourself to settle comfortably in your chair. Another deep breath in and as you relax ask your body to surrender to the presence of Light, tell your body it is safe for you to let go of limiting attachments on conscious levels, subconscious and unconscious levels.
In your mind call upon all your personal Guides even if you are not sure what their name is, just call upon your Guides. Call upon all the Lords of time and welcome Prince Damien into this space. Call upon your Fully Mastered Christed self of the Light. Now set the intension that you be supported in travelling through all the Parallel Realities, the Alternate Realities and Multidimensional Realities that you are currently attached to. Ask that you be supported in releasing these attachments gracefully and harmoniously. Ask that your healing and cellular release manifest in accordance with the highest will of your soul. The twelve Ascended Masters of the Light are present with you as well; these beings are I Kuthumi, Lord El Morya, Master Dwal Kuhl, Master Serapis Bey, Master Hilarion, Master Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Saint Germain and Lady Nada, Mother Mary and one that you may not all be familiar with being by the name of Paul Venetian. The presence of these Ascended Masters are here for the purpose of guiding the programme you have chosen to manifest and initiate. They will guide the release because it is also impacting on the global body that you are a microcosm of.
Take another deep breath in through your nose now and as you exhale through your mouth imagine yourself out in the vast open space of your Solar System. Visualise stars and the planets around you. Look around to find planet Earth and remind yourself that you are still connected to Earth. By floating out in space in the Solar System, you are to remind yourself that even space is part of the body, for space is the energy between every atom of energy inside of you and inside of the body that makes up your Galaxy, and the Universe, and everything experienced on a planet within the Solar System, within the Galaxy, within the Universe which is experienced by every living being within it regardless of its size or its form. Just think for a moment how connected you are to life, and how the planets in your Solar System reflect the chakric system of your Galaxy. As more planets are discovered, it simply confirms that you are also a greater being expanding with many more chakras coming to life. Connect with the fact that you are living in a spiral Galaxy and that energy is always spiralling within you and around you, it either spirals downward in a negative vortex or upwards in a positive vortex.
Now that you have familiarised yourself with the environment of space and reminded yourself of the power you are one with on your planet and beyond your planet, you can begin now to connect with the fact that you are existing in more than one place, more than one time and more than one body. The way energy works in the quantum field determines this, whatever one imagines becomes a reality, if that reality is not supportive of what you are doing, what you are living and experiencing, it then becomes an alternate reality and a part of you will live it out. Your past lives are infact parallel lives, ones that you are experiencing now, this is why you are affected by so called past lives. Time is linear only in your world, and you will all begin to move more and more out of linear time. As your consciousness expands more you will see more clearly how infact everything is happening all at once. People have memories and visions of the future, the reason for this is because there is a parallel reality considered the future. Because you project energy into the future you create the experience. The Quantum Field makes sure the experience comes into reality. When you focus on negativity, magnetically and quantumly you manifest it, if you focus on positivity, magnetically and quantumly you manifest it. All we are doing with you now is connecting your conscious current consciousness with parallel and alternate realities, where different levels of your consciousness are living out an experience. Because we have now raised your level of energy into the quantum field you have the power to change the effects of those experiences, which is why you will release it cellularly and no longer have to carry it with you. Your conditioning will undergo dramatic shifts and you will become lighter and experience deeper senses of inner clarity and revelation.
With the support of the Master's of the light, and with your permission and with your will, we take you through all the dimensions of time where aspects of you are currently playing out an experience that no longer supports your personal transformation, empowerment and transformation as a spiritual and divine being of the light. As more of this quantum energy is brought into your energy field beloved ones tell yourself now, you are ready to remember any aspect of time, any experience within that aspect of time, and on whichever level of consciousness it exists that is currently influencing your life in a limiting or negative way. It doesn't matter if you do not have any visions or conscious memory, what is important is that you allow the energy to be released. It is important that on a conscious level you are allowing yourselves to open and let go.
Take a deep breath in, allow your body to go soft and just relax into this energy. Be aware of your thoughts and your feelings, if you have any discomfort in your body simply just observe it, observe any names or faces, times or places that come into your memory or your mind, just observe don't hold onto anything. Continue to breathe in deeply and exhale deeply allowing the oxygen to help your body release. Now take your concentration to the nape of your neck and imagine an energy chakra opening up and releasing energy, visualise this release, feel it if you can or just imagine how it would feel for energy to be released through this portal at the back of your neck. These are also linked to your 7 cervical vertebrae. These vertebrae hold all the imprints and memory of the first twelve years of your life in this lifetime, and what you have come to know as past lifetimes. Your personal Guides and the Ascended Masters are now using crystals and drawing personal symbols on each of the seven vertebrae to accelerate the release of present and past timelines, negative conditioning and programming. It doesn't matter if you cannot retain the picture of all the symbols, just take note if there is one that stands out and hold it in your third eye's vision. Now move your neck sideways to the right, pushing your ear down toward your shoulder, gently lift it up, move it toward the left, stretching your neck and moving your ear to your left shoulder. Gently lift your head, drop your chin to your chest and as you do this visualise the release of energy increasing in velocity, hold it there and continue to breathe.
Archangels Michael, Zadkiel and Jophiel now place Quartz crystals in your 7 cervical vertebrae. These crystals will help you receive higher vibrational consciousness for the purpose of reconditioning the programmes, the attitudes and belief systems concerning your life at this current time. With these crystals in place you will be able to transmit high vibrational energy into the ethos and to those whom you come into contact with.
Keep your neck down, breathe in deeply. Now become conscious of your solar plexus chakra. Visualise your solar plexus beginning to respond to this energy and see it open like a window and a powerful velocity of energy being released form it. Archangel Michael gathers this energy as you release it. He manifests a bonbfire of light in the centre of your group and dumps the energy in the centre of the fire. Now very gently begin to lift your chin off your chest, slowly raise your head, slowly, if you move it too fast you will feel dizzy, gently bend it back, imagine yourself looking up into the sun. Archangels Uriel and Ariel now place twelve Aquamarine crystals in front of your throat chakra. Your Healing Angel projects high vibrational frequencies of sound to dismantle any energy attachments in your throat chakra that prevent you from fully voicing your personal truth. Breathe in deeply, exhale, and once again very gently move your head up, very slowly and very gently turn your face to look over your right shoulder, do it slowly. Look back as far as you can, hold it there. Archangel Michael now places in your left ear an Amethyst crystal. Gently begin to move your head back to face forward and slowly turn your head to look over your left shoulder as far back as you can. Archangel Michael now places an Amethyst crystal in your right ear. Turn your head gently face forward keeping your eyes closed, take a deep breath in and exhale through your mouth. Now as your physical and your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and all your parallel, alternate and multi dimensional bodies respond to the energy given to you through the crystals, you begin to drop more energy through the systems of your chakras and the cells in your body are able to release a lot faster.
Now imagine rain falling from the heavens penetrating your body and imagine this rain washing through every cell in your body. As the water flows through the cells, your emotional body can now release all the past life imprints and implants of negative or destructive conditioning that limit your current experience. Again just observe and be aware of what you are feeling and thinking, observe any memories that come to mind, the names or faces, people or places and just let it pass through your mind. Imagine your emotional body being a replica of you made up of water, imagine all of the past timeline imprints simply flowing right through it and moving into the bonfire Archangel Michael has created and just drop it.
Now gently draw your shoulders back, pull them back as far as you can. Tense all the muscles in your back, take a deep breath in and as you exhale allow your shoulders to drop and relax, now rotate your shoulders forward by hunching your back, lift your shoulders up to your ears do this slowly and take deep breathes in while you do this, gently begin to roll your shoulders backward pushing your chest out drawing your shoulder blades together tensing all the muscles, give a deep breath out and relax your shoulders. Repeat this one more time, rotate your shoulders forward by hunching your back gently lift them to your ears roll them backward pushing your chest forward, tense your muscles in your back as you draw your shoulder blades together, take a deep breath in, exhale deeply and drop and relax your shoulders. This allows the energy to flow through your heart chakra; it strengthens your thyroid and your thalamus creating a bridge of free flowing energy between your throat and heart chakras. These two chakras are the main areas for past life release. Some of you may find the muscles in your neck, your shoulders and your back feeling stiff and tight, this is due to your bodies cellular release. It impacts on the muscles because the muscles represent the support systems in your life, whenever you release on a cellular level you manifest a new level of support in your life. This new level of support is there to assist you to move forward. Your time of constantly recreating your limiting history is complete and now you step into the cosmic wheel of co-creation with Mother-Father God and you reclaim your divine right to be your complete authentic self.
Lady Nada now comes to stand in the centre of your group. She projects a Magenta Ray of energy to each one of you, which touches your heart chakra. The magenta ray of unconditional love creates a blanket of comforting and nurturing energy within and around your heart chakra, reaffirming to you, your inner child, and adolescent selves that it is completely safe for you to let go of the conditionings that have manifested as limitation, pain or suffering. This magenta ray will continue to affirm that you are truly ready to embrace unconditional love and trust the new system you are creating which represents and reflects all aspects of abundant living. Lady Nada will facilitate the remainder of your release process , (End of Side A) ....and continuously affirm to you on a sub-conscious level that you are ready to integrate the life you deserve. She will assist you to recondition your belief systems regarding deservability, therefore changing the template of poverty consciousness to one of prosperity consciousness inside of you. Breathe the magenta energy into your body and allow it to begin moving through your veins with your blood until you can imagine your blood a magenta colour. Take a deep breath in, as you do this affirm to yourself that you are consciously willing to release all past and current timeline influences that no longer serve your divine plan. Take a deep breath in and exhale. Affirm to yourself that it is your divine right to experience the abundance of the universe in your every day life in all its facets. Take a deep breath in and exhale. Now very gently begin to arch your back in the small of your back, pushing your belly forward. Some of you may feel discomfort in your lower back, this is because the energy is moving through your entire spine, for it is that your spine and the rest of the bones of your body hold your past life memories. It is imprinted in the bone marrow and in the structure of the bones. Continue to push your belly forward and breathe, very gently begin to push your behind into the chair and as you draw your belly in begin to straighten your spine. Now imagine the energy flowing freely down your spine exiting through your coccyx and penetrating the earth beneath your feet.
On your next in breath visualise a powerful energy coming to you from the Cosmos moving into your spine and all the way down, and out through the tip of your coccyx and into the earth beneath your feet. Continue to breathe deeply in and out, as this flow of energy increases, affirm that the flow is gentle and comfortable. Beloved ones your spinal fluid is now going to be flushed, some of you may experience tingling sensations along your back, some of you may even be experiencing a tightness in your neck or other areas along your spine, just breathe into it and trust that you are safe. Master Jesus now steps forward and activates a Universal flow of divine love which will flush through your cerabral spinal fluid. This will run in a downward motion. See it being flushed out through the tip of your coccyx and falling into the earth beneath your feet. Breathe while this happens, relax the muscles in your back and along your spine and place both of your feet squarely on the earth and breathe. The spinal flush removes the imprints of the past timelines that have scrambled your personal blue print for this current timeline. Breathe deeply in and out, as your breath will support the accelerated flow of energy in and out of your body. The more you breathe the faster you release. When you hold your breath you stop the process from happening and you freeze yourself in time and space.
Beloved ones, now the accelerated release increases and you are currently on your fifty-Eighth timeline release, and as a group you are clearing 78 timelines of past influence and conditioning. Continue to breathe I will tell you when it is complete. Just imagine the energy flowing straight through you and out into the earth. You are now at timeline release number 63, continue to breathe, the energy moves faster, timeline 68, 71, 75, deep breath in and as you exhale timeline 78 is released. The energy will now begin to ease along your spine, and your spinal flush is now coming to a close. Master Jesus now asks for you to focus your concentration on Mother Earth and to give thanks to her for absorbing the energy you have released. She has willingly taken this energy on to transmute and she will release it into the ethos where you will integrate the transcended light of your new levels of consciousness. As you integrate higher wisdom and knowledge she asks that in return for her support you share the wisdom and power of the love and knowledge and the co-creative spirit of Mother-Father God with the rest of humanity. She asks you to remember your truth and to constantly affirm your authentic desire to move up the spiral of ascension and into higher consciousness, and in so doing raising the consciousness of humanity for the purpose of creating awareness which will support her. As humanity's awareness expands, so the acknowledgement of her life force becomes a concrete reality, and then Heaven on Earth will manifest and man, animal, plant, mineral and earth will continue to ascend the stairway to higher levels of Heaven.
Breathe beloved ones, the 78 timelines you have released are linked to belief systems, attitudes and thought processes that stifle your personal growth and belief in your ability to manifest an abundant life. The abundance I refer to is the abundance in all its facets, on all levels, and in any manner it can take manifestation. You will determine what kind of abundance it will be, and we trust it will be an abundance of the light levelled nature. Be conscious of the fact that you can manifest an abundance of negativity, so always be clear regarding your intentions. You have integrated a template of prosperity which shall be imprinted upon the Earth with every step you take. Your DNA is vibrating on a different level now, and you are no longer bound by the density of those past 78 influences. You have shed 78 skins of the past, therefore it is necessary that you give all your bodies time to integrate the new energy. Over the next 48 hours you have the opportunity to consciously set intensions with spirit regarding the quality of new energy you wish to integrate which shall become your new beliefs, attitudes, and thought processes. We trust you will choose with wisdom!
Archangel Michael will now open a vortex in the centre of this group, which will work specifically in taking the 78 timelines from each of you. These shall be drawn into the Earth beneath your feet where it shall be transmuted by the love and light of Goddess Gaia, therefore take your concentration now to the centre of this room. As the vortex opens, it draws the bonbfire into its centre and the 78 timelines from each of you spills forth out of your heart chakra and into the vortex. Simply breathe as it releases. Archangel's Zadkiel and Michael now toss 78 Amethyst crystals into the centre of this vortex, these shall assist Goddess Gaia in the transmutation of these timelines and in so doing releasing you of any karmic ties to her linked through those 78 cycles. This liberates you to merge more with your cosmic life and the cosmic plan of your Earth, your Solar System and your Universe. Now imagine the vortex beginning to close. Archangel Michael places an etheric Amethyst crystal in the centre of this room sealing the vortex and ensuring the energy will be transmuted into Light. This light feeds you, it feeds Mother Earth's body and the light will continue to expand and feed the consciousness of humanity. Take another deep breath in and begin to draw your attention to your physical body in the room you currently occupy. Continue to breathe in deeply and exhale fully, and as you do this we begin to draw your energy through the past timelines of parallel and alternate realities, and the portals of time are closed behind you as you draw your focus back to your current incarnation, your current timeline experience and present level of consciousness. Now imagine roots of energy sprouting forth from your feet into the Earth beneath you and grounding you. Visualise energy moving from the top of your head all the way down your body, down your legs and into your feet, through your feet and into the Earth beneath it grounding you yet again. Now imagine a Platinum cord extending from the centre of the Universe penetrating your Crown chakra and moving all the way down your spine and out through your coccyx and into Mother Earth. This is a grounding cord that grounds you with spirit and earth. Take another deep breath in exhaling through your mouth, gently open your eyes, stretch your legs and your arms, feel yourself back in your body take a look around you and acknowledge where you are, I trust you are all back? Yes?
. How was that for a ride?
Beloved ones are there any questions I can assist you with at this point?
The 78 timelines, is that the same as 78 past lives?
Lord Kuthumi:
Yes it is
Thank you
You are welcome. Thank yourself
There is something I feel in my chest area my heart area, is that a blockage?
No, it will be as a result of the release, remember you released the 78 timelines to the vortex through your heart chakra so you will feel it there. Also remember I said you process past timeline energy predominantly through the throat and heart chakra.
was preparing for this before it actually began, the release?
It is common for this to happen, yes.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
One of the belief systems that limit humanity is their belief in pain and suffering, it is no longer the case. It is no longer a necessity for growth. You have manifested sufficient levels of light, which entitle you to acknowledge what causes you discomfort, frustration or limitation. In your acknowledgement of what is bothering you, you are able to communicate with spirit your finding and set the intension that spirit facilitate the solution. Then it is up to you to respond to all the synchronicities that come your way that lead you to the answer. With this attitude you will accelerate your process of healing and pulling yourself together. You need not any longer experience fragmentation, with this process, you have linked up with all the levels of consciousness being experienced and those aspects of you that have been playing out a lower consciousness level of experience will undergo accelerated growth and catch up with you, just like you will experience accelerated growth and catch up with your Fully Mastered Christed self of the Light. Is this clear?
Lord Kuthumi ……..question inaudible
Yes sister it will, you must try to acknowledge that you are a catalyser in the structure of your family. You are there to show them truth by living your truth. In every family there is such a member if the majority of the family is living in what we call "Closed Consciousness", or who are still asleep. Do you understand? You chose them for a purpose, just as they chose you. Remember they chose you because of the intensity of your light and your ability to remind them of who they are, and to awaken the ones who are ready to be awoken. So do not deprive yourself of your true identity. You are free to be free. Is this clear?
Yes, Thank you
You are welcome.
………..In my mouth.
Yes sister, we would like to suggest a therapy for you which may be of great assistance to you it is called body alignment, it involves vortex therapy, do you know this modality? This will help to bring your energy and your systems into alignment. The jaw represents ones will, with the jaw pulling to the left it is indicating your Goddess or Feminine principle needs to strengthen her will and to utilise it. Now that you have cleared so many timelines it should begin to balance itself. The modality we have suggested will help you along this particular road. Is this clear?
Yes thank you ………………
It will straighten itself out, however if medical intervention is required your Guides will make it very clear to you, you will know. Is this clear?
Than you.
You are welcome.
Lord Kuthumi …………………………. 2 questions.
First of all the reason for choosing your parents was because of their genes. The structure of their genetic imprints were exactly what you needed in order to successfully complete the tasks you set in place for yourself in this particular incarnation. When a conception takes place there are five generations of genetic imprint encoded from the mothers side of the family and seven generations of genetic imprint encoded from the fathers side of the family. When you look at the family history going back seven generations on both sides but more specifically from the fathers side, you will gain greater clarity as to why you chose them and the issues you would have to deal with in this lifetime. They have given you the tools you have needed to successfully complete your incarnation.
The reason for your body changing is because you are changing, whenever a person undergoes any kind of transformation the body must change because everything within it undergoes a change. Sometimes when there has been cases of trauma in the form of abuse of any kind - sexual, verbal, physical, emotional or mental, or any other shock that may have taken place, is locked inside of the body. The adrenaline freezes it (shock) in the body. This can stay frozen for up to seven years, then suddenly the adrenaline begins to "melt", if I can call it this, and that imprint of shock, anger, fear, and/or guilt begins to seep into the body. Now one might not clearly understand what is happening, and because one feels the shock and trauma again, adrenaline is released and can freeze it all over again. This then continues for many cycles, and 21 years later for example, you can still have it frozen in your body. When you embark upon a journey of awakening, and when your soul motivates you to go deeper, the issues begin to come to the surface and the body releases. This results in women and men at times gaining weight as they process and release energy. When the body feels safe again they can release the weight, then if there is fear and trauma perhaps then the body expands again. The fat cells are protection and every person on the planet, and I mean every person on the planet who is above their body's natural weight, is protecting themselves from somebodyor something. A fat person is not a weak person, a fat person is a wounded person and a fat person is not something to be rejected. Your fat should not be rejected because every fat cell is there to protect you. It is trying to prevent the pain from hurting you anymore. Now because I am a man I must be very careful, I did not mean you are fat! (laughter from the ladies) You must understand where I am coming from, that was close, yes? I was generalising about people who are not at their ideal weight and I also said natural weight. I say this for a purpose, natural weight, not the weight determined by society, big difference sisters, yes? Every physical body has its divine blue print shape and as individuals release their fear and their pain and address their wounds, the body will automatically let go and take on its natural blue print shape. In general the female body is a very beautiful round and curvaceous one because you reflect Mother Earth's body, is she not curved, round, and full? I rest my case. Does that answer your question?
Thank you
You are welcome.
Lord Kuthumi I would like to understand things happening in my life regarding my wrist, if it is related to past life, what that was all about.
Certainly, it is still very present in your energy field and you lost that hand, did you have any sensation of it being similar to that?
It felt … was snakebite.
Very well. The hand was lost. What you are doing now is reclaiming the energy of the lost hand so to speak, so that you can manifest another level of giving and receiving in your life. You see one can not just give and not receive for it blocks the flow of energy. You have given tremendously in this life of your love, your wisdom, your knowledge and your light. The memory of this particular lifetime you refer to is simply reminding you of the power to give and receive. Letting the energy flow and dropping the poison so to speak, in any kinds of conditionings, attitudes or belief systems of society regarding giving and receiving is what you are processing. You regularly release process for your environment not just yourself, are you aware of this?
Very well, does that answer your question?
Yes, thank you.
You are welcome.
I have been involved with studies of Geology for a year and a half now is this using my … because at the moment I feel disconnected to it.
I don't know will you? Have you heard of this thing called the power of free will? And it has nothing to do with "Free Willy" (laugter)
What I would like to know is doesn't Geology assist with past lives and releasing?
Yes it does.
Lord Kuthumi if I could ask you to x-ray my spinal cord, is it all clear?
All of you are experiencing a free-flow of the new energy in some places along the muscles connected to the spinal column, some of the energy is moving a little slower, but we do not see any specific blockage.
It is because I don't actually feel that way.
For now yes.
Thank you
You are welcome.
Lord Kuthumi..... clearing? …..
Lord Kuthumi, to move this ….. with the Lion Heart centre this is truly uncomfortable.
Just breathe into it sister, keep your shoulders drawn back and breathe into it, imagine Lady Nada's Magenta energy in it and ask Archangel Michael and Lady Nada to ease the flow of energy in your heart chakra. Is this clear?
Released 78 timelines in such a short space of time?!
It is called Accelerated Past Life Clearing! (laughter)
Sisters your energy systems will integrate it and begin to express it in the areas of your life that are ripe and ready to receive it, I also suggest that you begin the process of focusing on what your desires, your visions, your dreams, hopes and wishes are. Begin to explore your inner-heart desires. Think about what you would like to do that would make positive change and contributions to your community, to the Planet and your life. Become involved in some creative activities, think about what you would like to experience differently in your life. Would you like a different home for example, do you want to redecorate ? ( End of tape)
Simply setting the intension to grow into this new energy and express it in a creative and divine way will bring opportunities to you and will magnetically propel you in the direction of opportunity. Synchronicity then manifests itself and everything comes together. Is this clear?
Thank you
You are welcome. Beloved ones I shall take one last question.
……question inaudible……………….
Certainly, this evening create a quiet space with your Guides. Call upon your Higher Self, then ask that whatever unfolds in your meeting tomorrow unfold in accordance with the highest will of all of your souls. Ask that the process unfold harmoniously, gracefully and miraculously. Ask your Guides and their Guides to guide the meeting through your higher selves and that everything that comes to light within your meeting come through the guidance of each persons higher self. Tomorrow morning align again and then give thanks that everything will flow harmoniously and gracefully. When you have them in front of you physically, very quickly just imagine their higher selves and guides present with yours and let Spirit take care of the rest. Is this clear?
Yes, thank you.
: You are welcome.
And so it is then beloved ones that we shall continue to embrace you in the energy created at this time and facilitate the integration of love you have welcomed into your space. Trust in the many invisible arms that hold you, carry and comfort you through this time, and may you remember that we are with you always in all ways, and that we are only one little thought away. May the light of Mother-Father God shine brightly upon the path you walk, and may every step you take be a steady and confident one, and may all always be well in your World.
I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of love and wisdom, I greet and bless you in love.