Ascension - 2012


12/12 Universal Solstice Channeling - Ascended Master Kuthumi through Michelle Eloff

12 December, 2005, Johannesburg, South Africa
This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information be altered or used for monetary gain, and that the source of the information be acknowledged.
To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar process faciltated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channeling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan,Timing & Purpose. All Questions & Answers from the session have been left in the transcript as we have found the answers too have been of great benefit to our readers. I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you upon this day, to bring to you the blessings of tranquility, of upliftment,\n vitality and good health. Greetings, beloved ones. Greetings, Lord Kuthumi. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God. Beloved ones, today is a great day of celebration. It is the Universal Solstice. It is a time where all of the Lords and Ladies of the Light, the Ascended Masters, the Angels, the Archangels, the gods and the goddesses of your world, your solar system, the galaxy and universe come together and gather around bringing some of the most\n ",1]
Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar process faciltated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channeling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan,Timing & Purpose. All Questions & Answers from the session have been left in the transcript as we have found the answers too have been of great benefit to our readers.
I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you upon this day, to bring to you the blessings of tranquility, of upliftment, vitality and good health. Greetings, beloved ones.
Greetings, Lord Kuthumi.
And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.
Beloved ones, today is a great day of celebration. It is the Universal Solstice. It is a time where all of the Lords and Ladies of the Light, the Ascended Masters, the Angels, the Archangels, the gods and the goddesses of your world, your solar system, the galaxy and universe come together and gather around bringing some of the most
powerful vibrations of light to your planet. These vibrations are set in place to hold the planet for the year to come. The universal solstice always runs from 12 December to the 12 December and the new rings of light are created every year on the twelfth day of December. These rings of light emit vibrations that serve to implement the plan of light for the planet set in place by the Sirian Council of Light and the Great White Brotherhood. Many of the members of the Sirian Council of Light are in fact members of the Great White Brotherhood, and over the next few years all of you will come to …. experience closer relationships with these magnificent beings of the Great White Brotherhood. On the twelfth day of December of every year we bring you a breakdown of what you can expect in the year to come, and I assure you 2006\n will be a very eventful year. I promise you, you won’t be bored! (laughter) Every year brings new opportunities. There are always new opportunities presenting themselves for the lightworkers, as well as every other human on the planet, and these possibilities are there to take each soul deeper within themselves and into the realms of consciousness and awareness that serve to bring about the deeper understanding of self. 2006 is the year where Christ consciousness and fluid love create the new template for the next 25 years of your planet’s cycle of spiritual awakening. It is a year of immense change. All of you will have to get used to change. Things changing in a heartbeat; just when you thought your plans were set in stone, it will turn about. It is a very important lesson for humans because you are very set in your\n ways, and very stubborn. This does not cause us frustration, but it does for you.",1]
powerful vibrations of light to your planet. These vibrations are set in place to hold the planet for the year to come. The universal solstice always runs from 12 December to the 12 December and the new rings of light are created every year on the twelfth day of December. These rings of light emit vibrations that serve to implement the plan of light for the planet set in place by the Sirian Council of Light and the Great White Brotherhood. Many of the members of the Sirian Council of Light are in fact members of the Great White Brotherhood, and over the next few years all of you will come to …. experience closer relationships with these magnificent beings of the Great White Brotherhood.
On the twelfth day of December of every year we bring you a breakdown of what you can expect in the year to come, and I assure you 2006 will be a very eventful year. I promise you, you won’t be bored! (laughter) Every year brings new opportunities. There are always new opportunities presenting themselves for the lightworkers, as well as every other human on the planet, and these possibilities are there to take each soul deeper within themselves and into the realms of consciousness and awareness that serve to bring about the deeper understanding of self.
2006 is the year where Christ consciousness and fluid love create the new template for the next 25 years of your planet’s cycle of spiritual awakening. It is a year of immense change. All of you will have to get used to change. Things changing in a heartbeat; just when you thought your plans were set in stone, it will turn about. It is a very important lesson for humans because you are very set in your ways, and very stubborn. This does not cause us frustration, but it does for you.
You find yourselves in situations where you feel you are banging your head against the same old wall just because change has become the enemy. It will be the little changes initially that will be the ones that catapult you into the rivers of life where all one can do to survive is surrender, and in the surrender one realizes that one never had to fight to survive – all one had to do was surrender in order to thrive. We hope you will figure that one out in 2006! (laughter) Flexibility, transition, transformation, inspiration, exploration and venturing into the inner world of your archetypes will keep you on your toes. All the aspects of yourself that express themselves in the form of archetypes will teach you\n vital lessons about yourself. It is important to bear in mind that when I refer to these lessons that not all of them will be of a harsh or very challenging nature. It is also important to experience one’s lessons through laughter, through joy and humour, for when you can laugh at yourself you have learned some of your greatest lessons. Staying angry with the self is very easy – you do it quite unconsciously! Lots of laughter …. So now it is time to become a professional at laughing at yourself. 2006 is about discovering the jester within, and the archetype of the court jester will have lots of fun with you next year if you choose to dig in your heels and express the stubborn pattern of denying change or\n refusing change. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. We have often said that humanity finds the simplest of tasks the most difficult to do. With next year’s opportunity to experience change, flexibility and surrender, you will realize what we have spoken of and how easy it is, in fact, to move beyond the old ways. The chakra that comes under focus next year ",1]
You find yourselves in situations where you feel you are banging your head against the same old wall just because change has become the enemy. It will be the little changes initially that will be the ones that catapult you into the rivers of life where all one can do to survive is surrender, and in the surrender one realizes that one never had to fight to survive – all one had to do was surrender in order to thrive. We hope you will figure that one out in 2006! (laughter)
Flexibility, transition, transformation, inspiration, exploration and venturing into the inner world of your archetypes will keep you on your toes. All the aspects of yourself that express themselves in the form of archetypes will teach you vital lessons about yourself. It is important to bear in mind that when I refer to these lessons that not all of them will be of a harsh or very challenging nature. It is also important to experience one’s lessons through laughter, through joy and humour, for when you can laugh at yourself you have learned some of your greatest lessons. Staying angry with the self is very easy – you do it quite unconsciously!
Lots of laughter ….
So now it is time to become a professional at laughing at yourself. 2006 is about discovering the jester within, and the archetype of the court jester will have lots of fun with you next year if you choose to dig in your heels and express the stubborn pattern of denying change or refusing change. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
We have often said that humanity finds the simplest of tasks the most difficult to do. With next year’s opportunity to experience change, flexibility and surrender, you will realize what we have spoken of and how easy it is, in fact, to move beyond the old ways. The chakra that comes under focus next year
is the third eye chakra. You will be faced with recognizing your patterns next year, both constructive and destructive. It will be a very important time of healing all your psychic bodies, and developing systems of spiritual communication with the worlds of light and strengthening your telepathic communications and spiritual vision on a much deeper and grander scale. You have been introduced to the energy of the sixth dimension of fluid love. You will come to see how this magnificent energy seeps into every nook and cranny of your mind, your body, your soul and your being, your conscious, your subconscious, your unconscious and your superconscious. You will see the gifts it brings, for you are all being introduced to the greatest love of all – the love of Mother/Father God for the creation called life, in all its forms. You will taste some of the new delectable dishes called love – ones you have as yet not tasted, and the old ways of experiencing what was perceived as love will fall by the wayside. Your world as a whole will come to stand before the self and have to embrace the parts of self that embody love and release the aspects of self that hold onto conditional love. It is a year where lust consciousness and conditional love consciousness experience its greatest challenge of trying to\n hold onto a world of illusion that no longer has a foundation. This is another reason why it will be vital to allow yourself to be flexible and to go with the flow. In the space of surrender you will find how easy it is to grow with the flow that spirit automatically brings you, that you as a soul have set in place for yourself. Understanding the patterns that serve you or sabotage you is vital in the system of constructing a world based on your ",1]
is the third eye chakra. You will be faced with recognizing your patterns next year, both constructive and destructive. It will be a very important time of healing all your psychic bodies, and developing systems of spiritual communication with the worlds of light and strengthening your telepathic communications and spiritual vision on a much deeper and grander scale.
You have been introduced to the energy of the sixth dimension of fluid love. You will come to see how this magnificent energy seeps into every nook and cranny of your mind, your body, your soul and your being, your conscious, your subconscious, your unconscious and your superconscious. You will see the gifts it brings, for you are all being introduced to the greatest love of all – the love of Mother/Father God for the creation called life, in all its forms. You will taste some of the new delectable dishes called love – ones you have as yet not tasted, and the old ways of experiencing what was perceived as love will fall by the wayside. Your world as a whole will come to stand before the self and have to embrace the parts of self that embody love and release the aspects of self that hold onto conditional love. It is a year where lust consciousness and conditional love consciousness experience its greatest challenge of trying to hold onto a world of illusion that no longer has a foundation. This is another reason why it will be vital to allow yourself to be flexible and to go with the flow.
In the space of surrender you will find how easy it is to grow with the flow that spirit automatically brings you, that you as a soul have set in place for yourself. Understanding the patterns that serve you or sabotage you is vital in the system of constructing a world based on your
authenticity rather than based on the belief systems of a society that is already living within an illusionary system that continues to feed illusionary constructs. Belief systems will be challenged like never before over the next 5 years. In 2006 you will witness how the belief systems of the various & many religions come under scrutiny - people asking questions of their elders\n that cannot be answered; searching for explanations that do not come through the old route and comfortable zone. All the comfort zones will fall away; however people will realize within a very short space and time that in fact the perceived comfort zone was in fact their hell; a comfort zone held in place by fear and complacency, and complacency is generally held in place by fear anyway. The crystal kingdom and the children will forge a new bond, strengthening the energy and the power of fifth, seventh and sixth dimensions. We do not put them in the order for fifth and seventh are a pair working together, as are sixth and eigth. Do you all understand this? Acknowledgement. All of you will be given the opportunity to choose what you wish to invest your energy in. I have already briefly mentioned that you will create abundantly next year (2006), and you can choose what quality of energy you will manifest in abundance. Will it be fear based illusionary experiences, or will it be experiences motivated by love and the authentic aspects of self? There will be great discoveries next year regarding the self. More and more will be revealed regarding the importance of bringing greater understanding to humanity regarding spirit and science working together as one. ",1]
authenticity rather than based on the belief systems of a society that is already living within an illusionary system that continues to feed illusionary constructs. Belief systems will be challenged like never before over the next 5 years. In 2006 you will witness how the belief systems of the various & many religions come under scrutiny - people asking questions of their elders that cannot be answered; searching for explanations that do not come through the old route and comfortable zone. All the comfort zones will fall away; however people will realize within a very short space and time that in fact the perceived comfort zone was in fact their hell; a comfort zone held in place by fear and complacency, and complacency is generally held in place by fear anyway.
The crystal kingdom and the children will forge a new bond, strengthening the energy and the power of fifth, seventh and sixth dimensions. We do not put them in the order for fifth and seventh are a pair working together, as are sixth and eigth. Do you all understand this?
All of you will be given the opportunity to choose what you wish to invest your energy in. I have already briefly mentioned that you will create abundantly next year (2006), and you can choose what quality of energy you will manifest in abundance. Will it be fear based illusionary experiences, or will it be experiences motivated by love and the authentic aspects of self? There will be great discoveries next year regarding the self. More and more will be revealed regarding the importance of bringing greater understanding to humanity regarding spirit and science working together as one.
Many of the Native American Indian teachings will play a great role in the\n spiritual revolutions beginning to stir in many of the major countries around your world. The Great Masters of the Red People predicted many things changing upon the planet, and most of them have come true already. They were the ones who predicted the time would come when all the food would be poisoned, the earth would be poisoned and man would have to rediscover his roots with the earth in order to survive. That, beloved ones, is already part of your reality. The movement to more sustainable living, the utilization of organic and environmental friendly substances will be highlighted next year as well, and you can look forward to some very supportive changes for Mother Earth taking place. More voices need to be heard, beloved ones, and you will be placed in positions where your voice must be heard. In the past lightworkers have stood very\n quietly in the background while those of the old paradigm stood upon the podium lecturing and stating their fear-based opinions. No such thing next year. It is time to voice the truth. As you stand with the power of your third eye chakra …. stirring within a spiral of new light, you will find a whole new dimension to yourself. Your sacral chakra and all the sacral chakric points on the planet will begin to stir and awaken, therefore you can look forward to the goddess energy of the feminine principle rooting itself even deeper. The cause for celebration is that this rooting process will take place in many men’s lives. Men will be able to embrace the new understanding that being feminine, or in touch with the feminine self, has ",1]

Many of the Native American Indian teachings will play a great role in the spiritual revolutions beginning to stir in many of the major countries around your world. The Great Masters of the Red People predicted many things changing upon the planet, and most of them have come true already. They were the ones who predicted the time would come when all the food would be poisoned, the earth would be poisoned and man would have to rediscover his roots with the earth in order to survive. That, beloved ones, is already part of your reality. The movement to more sustainable living, the utilization of organic and environmental friendly substances will be highlighted next year as well, and you can look forward to some very supportive changes for Mother Earth taking place.
More voices need to be heard, beloved ones, and you will be placed in positions where your voice must be heard. In the past lightworkers have stood very quietly in the background while those of the old paradigm stood upon the podium lecturing and stating their fear-based opinions. No such thing next year. It is time to voice the truth. As you stand with the power of your third eye chakra …. stirring within a spiral of new light, you will find a whole new dimension to yourself. Your sacral chakra and all the sacral chakric points on the planet will begin to stir and awaken, therefore you can look forward to the goddess energy of the feminine principle rooting itself even deeper.
The cause for celebration is that this rooting process will take place in many men’s lives. Men will be able to embrace the new understanding that being feminine, or in touch with the feminine self, has
absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality or\n weakness, and everything to do with tapping into the creative power in order to enhance their masculine ability to provide and manifest. Kuthumi facilitated a personal sharing and intention setting with the group. We have excluded the information because of the personal nature of the information. You too can however benefit by taking 15 minutes to focus on what your intentions are for 2006 and what it is you would like to anchor and create, and then share this with your guides and Kuthumi. This you can do by either voicing it out loud, or by writing it down and reading through it in your mind. Once you have done this then continue reading the rest of this transcript. Beloved ones, the gifts you have been brought today (what you have chosen for 2006) ….. are yours to anchor and utilise in which ever way you choose, for they will influence the abundant energy you will tap into next year. The eigth dimension is the dimension of the Christ consciousness. I’ve mentioned already the archetype. It is also the symbol of infinity; therefore you have the opportunity to create whatever your soul desires on such a level that it supports you or influences you for infinity. You will be taught how to create an energy that has a continuous flow – a flow that touches you consistently. Another reason why you must be very clear, in your mind and in your heart, what you will focus your energy on.\n ",1]
absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality or weakness, and everything to do with tapping into the creative power in order to enhance their masculine ability to provide and manifest.
Kuthumi facilitated a personal sharing and intention setting with the group. We have excluded the information because of the personal nature of the information. You too can however benefit by taking 15 minutes to focus on what your intentions are for 2006 and what it is you would like to anchor and create, and then share this with your guides and Kuthumi. This you can do by either voicing it out loud, or by writing it down and reading through it in your mind. Once you have done this then continue reading the rest of this transcript.
Beloved ones, the gifts you have been brought today (what you have chosen for 2006) ….. are yours to anchor and utilise in which ever way you choose, for they will influence the abundant energy you will tap into next year. The eigth dimension is the dimension of the Christ consciousness. I’ve mentioned already the archetype. It is also the symbol of infinity; therefore you have the opportunity to create whatever your soul desires on such a level that it supports you or influences you for infinity. You will be taught how to create an energy that has a continuous flow – a flow that touches you consistently. Another reason why you must be very clear, in your mind and in your heart, what you will focus your energy on.
groomed for this time. Your initiations have prepared you for 2006, and this energy. Christ will come to stand before you, in the form of your reflection. You will experience the blessings of the Christed consciousness, you will be guided through the Christ light and the fluid love of the sixth dimension is what will embrace you, heal you and nurture you when required. The world will have to surrender to the Christ consciousness. All the evils of the world will come and face Christ and this light will shine down upon all the darkness of the world. The world will not be reversed in its ways within the next 12 months; however I can assure you that great leaps and bounds of achievement of the light will take place during the year to come. Leading up to 2009 you will witness some of the greatest\n changes in your history – ones that will be written in the books of spiritual history, as well as economic history, and social history, that your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will learn about. You are all very blessed to witness the greatest changes to take place on any planet where you see the battle between light and dark changing, and where light begins taking the upper hand whereas for thousands of years darkness has been the motivating force. People will have the switch necessary to acknowledge what the light means. Many people will come to accept that Lightworkers, Christians, Moslems, Buddhists, Catholics – whoever it is, is of the light because you are working to bringing about the same energy. Your mission is one and the same – you only walk under a\n different banner, but all of that will change too and many Christians, Moslems, Hindus, Catholics, Buddhists – to name but a few, will merge with the Lightworkers, for they too are Lightworkers in their own divine way. ",1]
You have been groomed for this time. Your initiations have prepared you for 2006, and this energy. Christ will come to stand before you, in the form of your reflection. You will experience the blessings of the Christed consciousness, you will be guided through the Christ light and the fluid love of the sixth dimension is what will embrace you, heal you and nurture you when required. The world will have to surrender to the Christ consciousness. All the evils of the world will come and face Christ and this light will shine down upon all the darkness of the world. The world will not be reversed in its ways within the next 12 months; however I can assure you that great leaps and bounds of achievement of the light will take place during the year to come. Leading up to 2009 you will witness some of the greatest changes in your history – ones that will be written in the books of spiritual history, as well as economic history, and social history, that your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will learn about.
You are all very blessed to witness the greatest changes to take place on any planet where you see the battle between light and dark changing, and where light begins taking the upper hand whereas for thousands of years darkness has been the motivating force. People will have the switch necessary to acknowledge what the light means. Many people will come to accept that Lightworkers, Christians, Moslems, Buddhists, Catholics – whoever it is, is of the light because you are working to bringing about the same energy. Your mission is one and the same – you only walk under a different banner, but all of that will change too and many Christians, Moslems, Hindus, Catholics, Buddhists – to name but a few, will merge with the Lightworkers, for they too are Lightworkers in their own divine way.
Forging the greater community and family of light is vital. Lord Jesus and Mary Magdalene will ensure this takes place. Their energy will be amplified next year – a lot of healing will take place on the planet, especially the areas connected to where Jesus and Mary Magdalene once walked. Their energy extends to Europe – there too, will be great healing taking place regarding the acceptance of Mary\n Magdalene’s true role and more people will come to accept her rightful place alongside Lord Jesus as his twin flame. As this occurs you will feel the power of the goddess energy becoming stronger and stronger. Never will it consume the masculine energy, for the order of this century is that masculine and feminine stand alongside one another. The theme is to create balance, where masculine and feminine work together, co-operating within the systems of light to create balance. The forums of consciousness that have been created by the Great White Brotherhood, by the Sirian Council of Light, by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Andromedians, and the Venutians have all come with a specific purpose, and that is to see Mother Earth make her ascension, and it shall be\n done, with or without you. People are realizing this, and many are seeing that Mother Nature is no longer putting her life on hold, so to speak, so humanity can catch up. She is now revealing her power – she is showing what she is made of, and humanity is having to change, like it or not. ",1]

Forging the greater community and family of light is vital. Lord Jesus and Mary Magdalene will ensure this takes place. Their energy will be amplified next year – a lot of healing will take place on the planet, especially the areas connected to where Jesus and Mary Magdalene once walked. Their energy extends to Europe – there too, will be great healing taking place regarding the acceptance of Mary Magdalene’s true role and more people will come to accept her rightful place alongside Lord Jesus as his twin flame. As this occurs you will feel the power of the goddess energy becoming stronger and stronger. Never will it consume the masculine energy, for the order of this century is that masculine and feminine stand alongside one another. The theme is to create balance, where masculine and feminine work together, co-operating within the systems of light to create balance.
The forums of consciousness that have been created by the Great White Brotherhood, by the Sirian Council of Light, by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Andromedians, and the Venutians have all come with a specific purpose, and that is to see Mother Earth make her ascension, and it shall be done, with or without you. People are realizing this, and many are seeing that Mother Nature is no longer putting her life on hold, so to speak, so humanity can catch up. She is now revealing her power – she is showing what she is made of, and humanity is having to change, like it or not.
The systems of light are rapidly outweighing the systems of darkness; therefore celebrate this fact, beloved ones, and continue your amazing work, continue following the plan of light. We are aware of how sad many of you are at times when you feel overwhelmed and think that the darkness of the world will never, ever …. be diluted, that it will not be …. overcome, transmuted – but it will, in a shorter time than you think. Trust…….., trust and trust some more. Is this clear? Acknowledged. Very well. Beloved ones are there any questions that we can assist you with regarding next year and the energy of next year? Lord Kuthumi, yes. Could I ask you what we can expect in the economic systems of the world – that’s question number one. And question number two is that some time back, there was - some statements made regarding the east coast of South Africa. Is that still on the\n cards? Lord Kuthumi: Yes, it is still on the cards. Oh dear. And we should go down to the ocean…? Laughter.",1]
The systems of light are rapidly outweighing the systems of darkness; therefore celebrate this fact, beloved ones, and continue your amazing work, continue following the plan of light. We are aware of how sad many of you are at times when you feel overwhelmed and think that the darkness of the world will never, ever …. be diluted, that it will not be …. overcome, transmuted – but it will, in a shorter time than you think. Trust…….., trust and trust some more. Is this clear?
Very well. Beloved ones are there any questions that we can assist you with regarding next year and the energy of next year?
Lord Kuthumi, yes. Could I ask you what we can expect in the economic systems of the world – that’s question number one. And question number two is that some time back, there was - some statements made regarding the east coast of South Africa. Is that still on the cards?
Lord Kuthumi:
Yes, it is still on the cards.
Oh dear. And we should go down to the ocean…?
You will be safe. Trust this. Oh. Thank you! (more\n laughter) Perhaps a catamaran could be fun as well! Comment to Peter: you on the ocean!?! Much more laughter. As far as economics are concerned, there will be more emphasis on the distribution of wealth to the poorer countries. United States of America, United Kingdom, and South Africa will have to sit together in talks with some of the other richer countries to decide how wealth is to be distributed in order to bring the impoverished countries to a place where they can get into the game, so to speak. The amount of corruption …. within the systems of wealth distribution will be made known. It may begin simply as the tip of an iceberg – a very small part of it being revealed during the course of next year, but the greater part of the corruption will result in the\n collapse of many aspects of the government of the ",1]

You will be safe. Trust this.
Oh. Thank you! (more laughter)
Perhaps a catamaran could be fun as well!
Comment to Peter: you on the ocean!?!
Much more laughter.
As far as economics are concerned, there will be more emphasis on the distribution of wealth to the poorer countries. United States of America, United Kingdom, and South Africa will have to sit together in talks with some of the other richer countries to decide how wealth is to be distributed in order to bring the impoverished countries to a place where they can get into the game, so to speak. The amount of corruption …. within the systems of wealth distribution will be made known. It may begin simply as the tip of an iceberg – a very small part of it being revealed during the course of next year, but the greater part of the corruption will result in the collapse of many aspects of the government of the
United States and the United Kingdom. The complete collapse may not … be next year, but it will be well on its way. This will put severe pressure on these countries economically, and the dollar will take a drop. We anticipate the Rand remaining strong. As far as the\n United Kingdom is concerned …. the current leader of the country …. has been called forth …. by the members of Nesara and has been given a warning, for he has chosen to change his vote, so to speak. This has put him in a very volatile position, which has also put the economic stability of the United Kingdom at risk. This in itself will be revealed during 2006 and 2007. Some will call for his resignation, as a result. This may only be in 2007 though, based on what we are seeing right now. Is this\n clear? Um-hum. There will be some great change within the government structure for South Africans, and economically South Africa",1]
United States and the United Kingdom. The complete collapse may not … be next year, but it will be well on its way. This will put severe pressure on these countries economically, and the dollar will take a drop. We anticipate the Rand remaining strong. As far as the United Kingdom is concerned …. the current leader of the country …. has been called forth …. by the members of Nesara and has been given a warning, for he has chosen to change his vote, so to speak. This has put him in a very volatile position, which has also put the economic stability of the United Kingdom at risk. This in itself will be revealed during 2006 and 2007. Some will call for his resignation, as a result. This may only be in 2007 though, based on what we are seeing right now. Is this clear?
There will be some great change within the government structure for South Africans, and economically South Africa
forward to growing from strength to strength. You can celebrate the fact that more and more corruption will be revealed and the people will also decide they will not support the party that chooses to gatecrash the systems of light. Is this clear? Um-hum. Thank you. It answers your question? Yeah. And interesting things, like gold? We do not see gold falling. It will remain steady. Platinum as you know, is double the price of gold, yes? So perhaps some investment in platinum could be a good move, but gold is always a good investment. Is this clear? Yes, thank you. Lord Kuthumi, you told us a couple of days ago that horses hold the twelfth dimension. Is there any specific purpose for my horses next year? Lord Kuthumi: The horses – all horses, including your own – will hold or anchor the vibrations of twelfth dimension which support the systems of sixth dimensional fluid love. They will be there to hold both the masculine and feminine systems of energy required to integrate fluid love through the divine feminine and the divine masculine. They represent anchoring the strength, power and stamina needed by both feminine and masculine to keep itself united and in alignment with the plans of power for their personal soul plan. The soul plans for humanity and\n all who will interact with horses, including your own, will benefit from the vibration they hold. Is this clear?",1]
can look forward to growing from strength to strength. You can celebrate the fact that more and more corruption will be revealed and the people will also decide they will not support the party that chooses to gatecrash the systems of light. Is this clear?
Um-hum. Thank you.
It answers your question?
Yeah. And interesting things, like gold?
We do not see gold falling. It will remain steady. Platinum as you know, is double the price of gold, yes? So perhaps some investment in platinum could be a good move, but gold is always a good investment. Is this clear?
Yes, thank you.
Lord Kuthumi, you told us a couple of days ago that horses hold the twelfth dimension. Is there any specific purpose for my horses next year?
Lord Kuthumi:
The horses – all horses, including your own – will hold or anchor the vibrations of twelfth dimension which support the systems of sixth dimensional fluid love. They will be there to hold both the masculine and feminine systems of energy required to integrate fluid love through the divine feminine and the divine masculine. They represent anchoring the strength, power and stamina needed by both feminine and masculine to keep itself united and in alignment with the plans of power for their personal soul plan. The soul plans for humanity and all who will interact with horses, including your own, will benefit from the vibration they hold. Is this clear?
Yes, it is. Thank you. You are welcome. Lord Kuthumi, I’ve heard mention about the changes on the east coast of South Africa. I’m not au fait with them at the moment, but the sanctuary, the ashram – whatever it is that is my intention for next year is going to be\n on the coast. I trust I will be guided to the right place that’s not going to be affected? Lord Kuthumi: You will. Thank you. And will this manifest in 2006? Part of it will definitely have manifested by 2006, yes. Or should we rather say within 2006. OK. Thank you, Lord Kuthumi. You are welcome. Lord Kuthumi, I just wanted to know - I’m also very interested in doing all these groundings of the energies on the various trips that Michelle and Salome are doing. Will it be possible for me to do those travels – within next year?",1]

Yes, it is. Thank you.
You are welcome.
Lord Kuthumi, I’ve heard mention about the changes on the east coast of South Africa. I’m not au fait with them at the moment, but the sanctuary, the ashram – whatever it is that is my intention for next year is going to be on the coast. I trust I will be guided to the right place that’s not going to be affected?
Lord Kuthumi:
You will.
Thank you. And will this manifest in 2006?
Part of it will definitely have manifested by 2006, yes. Or should we rather say within 2006.
OK. Thank you, Lord Kuthumi.
You are welcome.
Lord Kuthumi, I just wanted to know - I’m also very interested in doing all these groundings of the energies on the various trips that Michelle and Salome are doing. Will it be possible for me to do those travels – within next year?
Lord Kuthumi: Sister, it won’t be necessary for you to go to every single one of them, but there will be a number of them you will attend. Take advantage of the eighth dimensional energy! Lots of laughter. I’ll do that. I felt very strong about Namibia, and definitely Greece. I believe Greece\n is somewhere where I need to be. Namibia is your connection with Lady Nada. Thank you You are welcome. Lord Kuthumi, I need to know - do I need to work with a specific aloe or is the imprint in all the aloes, and if you can perhaps guide me on the next step on this aloe odyssey? Thanks.",1]

Lord Kuthumi:
Sister, it won’t be necessary for you to go to every single one of them, but there will be a number of them you will attend. Take advantage of the eighth dimensional energy!
Lots of laughter.
I’ll do that. I felt very strong about Namibia, and definitely Greece. I believe Greece is somewhere where I need to be.
Namibia is your connection with Lady Nada.
Thank you
You are welcome.
Lord Kuthumi, I need to know - do I need to work with a specific aloe or is the imprint in all the aloes, and if you can perhaps guide me on the next step on this aloe odyssey? Thanks.
Lord Kuthumi: Sister, all of the aloes hold the imprint; however the vibration does change, and that you will need to intuit. That you can do by calling forth for guidance and information as you address each aloe. You can simply have the name of the aloe, hold your hand over it and ask spirit to give you the information required. Do you understand? Yes, thank you. What is the greater picture of the work with the aloes that you have in mind, sister? \n My sense is that aloes can assist human beings to raise their vibration within, making them more aware and kind of assisting them with higher consciousness, and what I’ve kind of downloaded so far was that the combination of the aloe imprint and some sort of ground water, which I don’t know from where, needs to be bottled and sold as an elixir of some sort. Very well. Trust it will all come to you but you can begin channelling the information on the different vibrations of the aloes. Is this clear? Yes, thank you. You are welcome. Beloved ones, I shall take one last question.",1]

Lord Kuthumi:
Sister, all of the aloes hold the imprint; however the vibration does change, and that you will need to intuit. That you can do by calling forth for guidance and information as you address each aloe. You can simply have the name of the aloe, hold your hand over it and ask spirit to give you the information required. Do you understand?
Yes, thank you.
What is the greater picture of the work with the aloes that you have in mind, sister?
My sense is that aloes can assist human beings to raise their vibration within, making them more aware and kind of assisting them with higher consciousness, and what I’ve kind of downloaded so far was that the combination of the aloe imprint and some sort of ground water, which I don’t know from where, needs to be bottled and sold as an elixir of some sort.
Very well. Trust it will all come to you but you can begin channelling the information on the different vibrations of the aloes. Is this clear?
Yes, thank you.
You are welcome.
Beloved ones, I shall take one last question.
Lord Kuthumi, we’ve been prepared for 2012. That’s also the end of the Mayan calendar. Is that – maybe you have spoken about this but I haven’t had any information about this – how does that connect to Ascension? Lord Kuthumi: The world as you know it now will have come to an end by that time. Many have misinterpreted this as being the end of the world, as in Armageddon; that\n certainly won’t take place. With regards to Ascension it means a gateway will open on the twenty first of December of 2012 where a great dimensional shift will take place where all who have completed their initiations will move into the complete golden age world, and those who have as yet not, will remain in what is called third dimensional consciousness created reality. It will appear as if the world is split – all that will actually be happening is that you will be experiencing earth life from a higher dimension. That dimension becomes the predominant reality rather than third dimension being the predominant reality. So the reality of your third dimension will be very different. Do you understand? Yes, I think so. Very well. That becomes the perceived ascension. There will be many such ascensions taking place. Already you can see many of you experience your life as very different to others, as if you are living on different planets and operating from different dimensions, not so? ",1]

Lord Kuthumi, we’ve been prepared for 2012. That’s also the end of the Mayan calendar. Is that – maybe you have spoken about this but I haven’t had any information about this – how does that connect to Ascension?
Lord Kuthumi:
The world as you know it now will have come to an end by that time. Many have misinterpreted this as being the end of the world, as in Armageddon; that certainly won’t take place. With regards to Ascension it means a gateway will open on the twenty first of December of 2012 where a great dimensional shift will take place where all who have completed their initiations will move into the complete golden age world, and those who have as yet not, will remain in what is called third dimensional consciousness created reality. It will appear as if the world is split – all that will actually be happening is that you will be experiencing earth life from a higher dimension. That dimension becomes the predominant reality rather than third dimension being the predominant reality. So the reality of your third dimension will be very different. Do you understand?
Yes, I think so.
Very well. That becomes the perceived ascension. There will be many such ascensions taking place. Already you can see many of you experience your life as very different to others, as if you are living on different planets and operating from different dimensions, not so?
Yes. Laughter. Amplify that by ten or twenty times, and that will be your reality for 2012. So there won’t actually be a physical division but there will be a perceptual division? It will be the transitioning into the other dimensions. In truth it would also be the creation of new alternate and parallel existences, so as earth experiences or rather exists in other parallel realities and alternate realities, it will just be a newer one…. with different experiences. Is this clear? More or less…. Laughter! Comment: more less than more!! More\n laughter!! There is an existence where earth is currently experiencing Armageddon. It is already in place. World War 3 has already broken out. This is the world that some of you may tap into in your dream state where you dream of fearful things happening, great catastrophes happening, wars, slayings, very dark stuff so to speak. That is that particular parallel reality where all the fears of humanity that fear Armageddon have already created it and it is happening; and aspects of themselves are experiencing it. Do you understand?",1]
Yes. Laughter.
Amplify that by ten or twenty times, and that will be your reality for 2012.
So there won’t actually be a physical division but there will be a perceptual division?
It will be the transitioning into the other dimensions. In truth it would also be the creation of new alternate and parallel existences, so as earth experiences or rather exists in other parallel realities and alternate realities, it will just be a newer one…. with different experiences. Is this clear?
More or less….
Comment: more less than more!!
More laughter!!
There is an existence where earth is currently experiencing Armageddon. It is already in place. World War 3 has already broken out. This is the world that some of you may tap into in your dream state where you dream of fearful things happening, great catastrophes happening, wars, slayings, very dark stuff so to speak. That is that particular parallel reality where all the fears of humanity that fear Armageddon have already created it and it is happening; and aspects of themselves are experiencing it. Do you understand?
Um. And last night I was woken up about 22 minutes past 12 in the middle of an initiation. Is that a different … it felt like I was actually experiencing an initiation\n like we have here. All of you experience that with your personal masters and guides all the time. It’s just becoming more conscious for you now. So that’s a different reality, a dimension as well? Yes. Wow. Thank you! You are welcome. So it is beloved ones that we must bring this transmission to a close. It is important that you understand\n 2006 is a year of celebration as well. It is a time of joy, of reunion, of communities coming together to create new families of light. You will meet many members of your soul group next year. There will also be the witnessing of the separation from … communities and … structures that do not embody the sixth dimension of fluid love. You will witness many of those systems falling away; however, all in all it will be a fantastic year of witnessing the divine love and power of spirit in your life. Beloved ones, trust in the many invisible arms that hold you and know that not ever do you walk alone, for we are all one and with you always in all ways. I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.",1]

Um. And last night I was woken up about 22 minutes past 12 in the middle of an initiation. Is that a different … it felt like I was actually experiencing an initiation like we have here.
All of you experience that with your personal masters and guides all the time. It’s just becoming more conscious for you now.
So that’s a different reality, a dimension as well?
Wow. Thank you!
You are welcome. So it is beloved ones that we must bring this transmission to a close. It is important that you understand 2006 is a year of celebration as well. It is a time of joy, of reunion, of communities coming together to create new families of light. You will meet many members of your soul group next year. There will also be the witnessing of the separation from … communities and … structures that do not embody the sixth dimension of fluid love. You will witness many of those systems falling away; however, all in all it will be a fantastic year of witnessing the divine love and power of spirit in your life.
Beloved ones, trust in the many invisible arms that hold you and know that not ever do you walk alone, for we are all one and with you always in all ways. I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.



The Second Level of Creation
John Hall

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Genesis 1:1.

Now, in the second level of creation, God and humans, both of the Earth and beyond, are actively engaged in taking creation where it has never gone before. It has already started and there is no end to it.

The design table and the laboratory for the beginning process is our planet Earth. You are part of the design team. You are part of the creation team. Have you forgotten that you are a god, that you are a son or daughter of the original Creator? From all viewpoints that makes you a god. Now is the time to remember who you really are. Now is the time to be fully conscious on all levels, here and now, in 2006 and beyond.

In the first level of creation, many things were allowed. Great experimentation took place. Some ideas were good and some not so good. Much has come and gone since the first day of creation. God always knew that there would be a second level of creation but He was patient. He watched his many ideas and species to see how they would turn out. Energy was given great freedom to move, develop and coalesce in many different ways. As energy waves moved through space a variety of species and societies developed. Some developed longevity while others did not have the staying power to survive the every changing vibrations of eternal space.

Humans developed on some planets and intelligent species of different types developed on other planets. Different dimensions also influenced the creations developed and maintained there. Creator God watched all of these with great interest. It seemed that humans were developing in an extraordinary way. A small planet on the edge of one of the universes was created to really give human a chance to "test their mettle."

This planet was called Earth. Many sons and daughters of God who greatly loved their Creator Father-Mother volunteer for this project and agreed to stay until the intended goals had been achieved. They did not know how long that would be but they each had enough love for the complete trip.

Through many, many lifetimes, through pain and joy, the volunteers did this and that and mass consciousness grew and expanded. Civilizations grew strong and later disappeared, to be replaced with other civilizations that added their experience to the whole. At times the experimental laboratory of Earth got a little hot as some of God's children allowed their attention and goals to lean toward personal power and control over others. Through enforcing their ideas and power over others great strife and separation came to Earth. The children of Light experienced many hardships and at times the entire Earth came close to ending its existence. That danger has existed in our lifetime. Through it all, the children of Light held to their loving relationship with their Father-Mother God and developed much personal inner strength. They did not know it then, but they were graduating from the schoolhouse of Earth with the highest honors. They did not know then how much the beings of this and other universes were watching and admiring their increased light and creational abilities.

Now is the time of graduation from the schoolhouse of Earth. Earth is no longer a schoolhouse but a temple of possibilities. Creator God has been sending great waves of divine energy to Earth in recent months and years and most of us have been aware of this. These great waves of energy now bathing the Earth is Creator God's graduation present to us. God is saying "go and do likewise. Go and create, create grandly, in ways that creation has never experienced before. I am now joining heaven and earth together. Creation is now unlimited. It is up to you. What can you do?"

Eternal life will soon be the way of life here on Earth. You don't have to go elsewhere to live in Heaven. Heaven and Earth are joining together. Creator God is coming to live here. You have felt God coming nearer and nearer to Earth. The New Earth will become the physical body of God and each of us will be cells in that grand body. This process doesn't happen in a day or year but is a developing process that we are involved in now. You can be aware of it, join in and share the eternal joy, love and life that is your divine inheritance. You can say as one did 2,000 years ago, "I must be about my Father's business."

God's business has always been creating and experiencing the joy of it all. Now it is time for you to become active in the family business. You are unique in all the many universes. You can contribute many things to creation that no one else can. What are your passions? Maybe they are God's passions also. You have a right to bring your passions and goals into spiritual/physical reality. If your passions come from your heart then they are entitled to manifest.

Believe in possibilities now. New divine energies are here, changes are in the air without number, changes are coming in many ways. Believe and expect them and you are helping to create them. NESARA will bring major changes to the United States and other governments, resulting in much freedom for all. As part of the process, financial abundance is planned for the people of the United States and the world. Believe and expect this and you are being a creator. A creator directs energy into forms and then intensifies this energy to give forms greater substance. As greater freedom and financial abundance comes to you, then creating your passions become a definite possibility and reality on the physical level. Remember, we are creating in both the spiritual and physical realities at the same time since they are now merged. Our creations can now last as long as we desire them to last. Go to the next level, live and be the second level of creation.

Soon, many of our space friends will be here as mentors to us in our creations but remember, we are the new creators of Earth for the next 1,000 years and then beyond that we become mentors to untold numbers of planetary societies in many, many universes. That is the second round of creation. First we become proven experts here at home on the New Earth and then we go out and share with others what we have learnt from the beginning of this Earth project. Remember how we created this planet in the beginning, the great plans we had then and still have within us now? Yes, now is the time to remember and be the creators we promised to be, and then as gods always do, share this with all who desire to know, do and be.

John Hall –


The ARMADA 2006

The ARMADA: 2006 Version
Updated: 8th January 2006 PM

Joint Telepathic Communication from 4-5th January, 2006: members of TINA*

We have an urgent message. This message pertains to the benevolent arrival of many fleets of spacecraft from far and wide, from many galaxies and planets - including Pleiades, Sirius, Venus and Mars - appearing as bright lights in your skies, which will not be stars, and moving with great speed. They will cover much of Canada and U.S. and will have an impact on your world almost immediately. The signal for their arrival will be the extinguishing of lights across half of America at a time. This will be a sign that the spacecraft will be arriving WITHIN THE HOUR.
The timing of the event has yet to be determined but in all likelihood will be within the next two weeks (from 5th January). It is important that all know WE COME IN PEACE. This was one of several variations planned some years ago, the selection depending on conditions at the moment.

The timing is indicative of the many changes in your government soon to take place. This is the time we have all waited for and it is now the time to celebrate.

This is one of an increasingly obvious series of nudges to the cabal (New World Order) and to people waking up and doing what they can. We cannot wait much longer, or our work and humanity's will be much greater. Thus the display, to move awareness along.

The reactions among various groups of people were carefully considered, as well as those of the people of Earth as a whole. We think the people are ready, but there could well be consternation among the uninformed. Also, as already mentioned, the need is great.

We therefore advise that you all prepare mentally for this event by being at peace for the days upcoming and to remain in a tranquil environment. Stay centered and allow the reality of this magnificent event to penetrate each cell of your body individually. Visualize the actual event over and over in your minds eye so when it occurs it will be a familiar sight. This will prepare your energy body for the shock and the enormity of it all. We wish for all to feel at peace for this wonderful event, this is of utmost importance to us.

It is imperative for all to understand that soon your reality will change forever, and for the better. This cannot be underestimated. Note that these shuttles not only come in peace but also bring new energy to the planet. This event will precipitate a 'new world order' - but not in the dictatorial, servile fashion that the international banksters had intended. Sovereignty will be the theme.

This will be an unavoidable statement that we are here and that we truly do mean business: a final opportunity for those of the Dark to see the Light. If those in power do not heed our call then we will be forced to move forward with our plans. It will be a confirmation that stories and inferences many have been telling and making are all true and verifiable. There will be a massive blackout or dimming of the lights** over much of Canada and the US that will signal our arrival - or at least make it finally visible. This will be a preliminary to the First Contact planned in Salt Lake City. We want the public to be "favorably disposed" to our actual landing.

This event is part of the detailed scenario we drew up on 1st December in Africa. This was a meeting of minds, so to speak, and we determined how best we could proceed to end this over-extended standing down. First the ships will come; then shuttles will land in Salt Lake City (Utah) and Vancouver (Canada); and then in a few other places later on.

The massive help and collaboration that will tackle the problems that are present on Earth will then begin. The time is short for this and we must work quickly and efficiently to prevent Mother Earth - Gaia - from taking things completely into her hands. The Cosmos is moving on and a new dispensation is awaiting us all.

There will be fly-overs throughout the world at some point in the near future, however, this particular event will take place in America and Canada only. This is necessary to move the American government along for the changes that will institute world wide revolution.

Watch this space for updates on TIME AND LOCATION:

E-mail us to keep your name on file

UPDATES from Sananda:-
We have an urgent message for you from the starship. There has been an advance in the timing of events scheduled to take place in your country. Take heed, this is the moment you have been waiting for. Send a message to Milson and the others immediately, this news is coming from a reliable source. We need to make those aware that there is the coming of the announcement that will change all. Know in your hearts that the moment has arrived. Breathe deeply my children of faith, for it is your time to shine. There is going to be the announcement of some wonderful events on the evening news this week. These announcements will be the predecessors to the momentous changes to take place in your government leadership. You have all been triumphant in your journeys for a better world and the time is now to celebrate your very hard work. The faithful ones will indeed be glorious.

I wish to make it clear to all who read this that the moment of truth has arrived. There are great many people in support of these times at hand and it will ensure the ease of this magnificent event. We wish to prepare you for everything you wished for, the time of rewards is upon us. Take heed for these will be turbulent times. The people of your government are scrambling for answers that cannot be found except for in truth. This will be the result of much hard work from the great bringers of light. Tell those who hear my call that I am waiting for all of you in the light. There we will celebrate our victory for victory has been won!

You will need to digest the enormity of it all very soon. Be advised that this is what you have been waiting for.

Question: Is there something all of us can do to come to a realistic level of readiness?

Breathe deeply, the energy being emitted onto your planet will encompass many layers of healing. Use this energy through breath to keep the body calm and alert in moments of great excitement. You can benefit from using your ability to help others as a way to avert the energy of shock. Helping others will give your body the opportunity to release much. There will be healing of great magnitude from this event. Those who have held the light for so long will be free to release and this will become a monumental healing for Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Those who have been keeping their truth hidden will have the release of pressure so great that it will catapult vibrations into the ethers that will literally shake the foundation of your Earth's core. Know that at this time there are many aboard who wish to be in contact with you.

Please broadcast this message urgently and as widely as possible.

* TINA: Telepathic Institute of North America

** Only street lights will go out. Car headlights will still operate, electricity will still be on in homes, hospitals, etc. Porch lights will stay on unless they are large, but may dim and flicker at first. The aim is to call attention to the sky, not cause upset and confusion.


Solara's January and Full Year 2006 Vision

Solara's January 2006 Surf Report



Right from its very first moments, the shores of the Year 2006 felt different. The entrance to it was both powerful and surprisingly gentle....

The New Year started out with a deep silence. It felt as if everything had been covered with a blanket of snow. It was a day in which activity was almost impossible. This is because there was a shifting in the template of the planetary grid enabling it to more fully align with the Matrix of the One.

In the deep hush created by the alignment with the New Matrix, many patterns and old habits are effortlessly dissolving.

The energies of the current Surf can best be compared to those of a tsunami There are three distinct types of waves that we are experiencing, each with their unique purpose.


Clearing the Stage for our Future Endeavors

Beginning in December, there has been a powerful undertow pulling elements away from us. Anything which doesn't come from integrity and that doesn't click into their rightful positions is being swept out to sea. This includes relationships which can't move to a deeper level, old habits, behaviors and places where we have been stuck, outmoded ways of doing things, wrong jobs, duality-based concepts and beliefs and old emotional residue.

The undertow has been extremely effective, working like a huge vacuum cleaner, suctioning away from us everything which is untrue or which has outserved its purpose. It's not a pleasant feeling having so many elements pulled out to sea and at its strongest peaks, it makes us feel like we are dying.

A wave of people are leaving the planet rather unexpectedly at this time, being swept away with the outgoing tide. Although this is shocking to those of us who love them, it's happening because this is their choice to go.

All this strong stripping away is also dredging up the hardened sediment of hidden pockets of emotions. Old memories of experiences we have long forgotten may suddenly rise to the surface, bringing up waves of sadness. We are finally being allowed to grieve for what we long stuffed away.

Our dream state is being greatly affected. Many of us are having myriad dreams in which everything is swirling around, much like in a whirlpool. People whom we've almost forgotten are coming into our dreams and contacting us with very real messages. Our dreams are reflecting the chaos preceding tremendous change when everything is unhooked from their old positions and thrown up into the air where it swirls around, waiting to find its new, rightful position. It's like one of those glass snow globes that has gotten a good shake; suddenly everything is airborne and all mixed up.

While we are in the midst of such a powerful undertow, it's important that we don't get engulfed by the outgoing tide by giving up or falling into depression. We need to remember that everything which is leaving us is clearing the stage for our future endeavors. This is how we are being made ready for the tremendous breakthroughs of 2006's Quantum Surf.

And as with tsunamis, all the water that is swept out to sea is transformed into the huge Waves of the New. The Waves of the New are rising right now; they are constantly becoming deeper and taller.


Setting the Stage of the New

In January, we will feel the first waves of the Quantum Surf of 2006. The undertow will weaken somewhat and Waves of the New will start washing over us. These first waves of the tsunami will bring in new ways of resolving any unfinished situations. The word "resolve" is an interesting one. Re-solve means to solve something again, to find a solution. Only this time we will be re-solving by utilizing totally new approaches and finding new solutions by BEING LARGER.

This will enable us to discover new and original solutions to lingering issues and unresolved situations. We will experience spurts of fresh energy and inspiration which help us to complete anything in front of us which has been unresolved

January will also give us plenty of Wild Cards which come to us when least expected and most needed. Pay close attention to any Wild Cards that come your way. They will provide major clues as to the way we should go.

We will also be experiencing numerous Insertion Points both of the Greater Reality and of the Lotus World. The Insertion Points of the Greater Reality will expand our awareness, allowing us to get a more complete picture of what is really going on. The Insertion Points of the Lotus World will deepen our love immeasurably. Whenever we are immersed into the Lotus World, we get a real taste of the Greater Love. Waves of Love wash all through us.

Our focus this month will be on completion, resolution and allowing the missing elements of our New Life to come to us. Because of this, it's important that we don't waste our energies by worrying about how things are going to happen, or by forcing decisions and actions before all needed elements are in place.

The Waves of the New will bring some much needed missing pieces into our puzzle. There are some key pieces that will be clicking into position in January. These pieces fill the gaps and must be in place before we can go forward They will allow us to see more of the full picture of our path in 2006 and bring us greater clarity as to our next steps.

All month long, we will be very active setting the stage for the New, but there will also be times of deep quiet when repositioning and recalibration within our internal templates is taking place, bringing all our activities to a temporary halt.

As January progresses, our dreams will continue to be meaningful. Many things will be sorted out while we are asleep. Our dream state will take us into the deepest strata of our beings where we can work undisturbed on the level of pure energy.

Throughout January, more and more elements of our lives will click into place. It is similar to creating a stage set, except this time we have no preconceived plan of what it will look like. We have to put it together piece by piece using only the elements which have a perfect fit. First we find the right bamboo to go over in the left corner, then we find the perfect red couch to go on the right. And while we're doing this, we didn't even know that our stage set would have a bamboo or a red couch. It is a continuous journey of wonderment and discovery, making openness a helpful attribute.

By the end of the month, we'll have a much clearer picture of our new stage. Our new stage allows us to fully enter the resonance of Right Time - Right Place. Now, we are ready for the entrance of the next set of Waves of the New. And even bigger Quantum Surf will roll in.


Riding the Quantum Surf

On the New Moon of January 29th, which is also the Chinese New Year, the next waves of the tsunami will come in. These are the true Waves of the New. It's Quantum Surf Time! These waves will bring us to new places, new directions, new experiences, new jobs, new relationships and new levels of understanding.

This will be like the moment that the roller coaster has finished its long journey up the first steep hill and suddenly accelerates beyond belief. We are zooming around corners and doing loops-de-loops, yet somehow we don't fall out of our seats.

We are thrust into the Mega Waves of the Quantum Surf and off we go! It's going to be a very wild, but extremely fun ride. It's the thrill of a lifetime! From this moment forward, nothing will be the same and absolutely everything is possible. 2006 is a great and momentous year in which we can experience quantum breakthroughs and fulfillment beyond our wildest dreams.


The Year 2006 Surf Report


Welcome to the QUANTUM SURF of 2006!

2006 is a truly extraordinary year in which the impossible can be achieved. This year has real, viable potential for fulfillment beyond our wildest dreams. The MEGA WAVES of Quantum Surf are coming in!

This is a year full of the promise of enormous success, of ease in manifesting what we really need and truly desire. A year when the creative surge carries us along into totally new places.

However, in order to fulfill the awesome potential of 2006, there are some conditions which must be met...

Success will only be achieved if we demonstrate rock solid integrity in everything we do.

The old road of duality is coming to its appointed end. If we remain on it and if we remain small, if we are still motivated by fear, lack and separation, we will miss the outstanding opportunities presented to us in 2006.

In order to access the Quantum Surf we must live in the Greater Reality on a daily basis, putting our full consciousness, full effort and wholehearted love into everything we do.

In numerology 2006 is an Eight year. The old duality-based interpretation of an Eight would be "As Above - So Below". But since Above and Below have been merged together in the HERE and NOW, this is no longer true. An Eight year is about manifesting our inner truth on all levels. It's time to walk our talk and to live our true beliefs. No more excuses.

To ride the Quantum Surf we need to be in the big boats.

If we stay in small boats, we may easily capsize and sink.

To travel in the big boats we need to set aside our perceived differences and come together as One. Rowing with focused intent, stepping into our greatness and just going for it, no matter what.

2005 was an important bridge year of deep inner and outer realignment. It was a somewhat solitary year of profound initiation and inner recalibration which contained some shattering outer events. Since the Asian Tsunamis of December 26th, 2004, we have received Three Warnings through a series of devastating earth changes. Hopefully, this has been effective in permanently shaking us out of our complacency, reordering our priorities and deepening our compassion.

There was a huge stirring of the Sleeping Giant of our One Being, creating an increased awareness of the intolerability of the imbalances on this planet. People started feeling the suffering of others far across the world, and began to take responsibility to help solve their problems. What's somewhat ironic is that enduring solutions to humanity's problems and to the imbalances created by duality are remarkably easy to achieve; what has always been lacking are committed and aware people to implement them. In 2005, there was finally a sense of global consciousness---that we are all in this together. Oneness became stronger and more vibrantly alive.

Much of our focus has been on repatterning the past and learning to do things in totally new ways. Situations continually came up which required new responses, deeper understanding and greater love. Utilizing a vaster perspective, we were often able to see the real forces at play and not fall into our old duality-based responses. We made some decisive steps out of the box....

From the very beginning of 2005, we were called upon to set up heightened energetic fields in our immediate environment which would enable us to more fully live in the Greater Reality. This process of creating, maintaining and constantly recalibrating our energetic fields will continue throughout 2006. This is of vital importance because if we don't do this, we won't be able to ride the Quantum Surf.

Now that we have entered the Great Year 2006, we can finally see how very much we have changed and deepened. How truer and clearer we have become. If we did the work of recalibrating our energetic fields both inside and outside, we are finding it much easier to live in the Greater Reality. If we haven't yet done this, it's essential that we start now; otherwise we will miss the tremendous breakthroughs of 2006.

Throughout 2006, we will notice the increasing separation between the worlds of duality and Oneness. There will be the continual unmasking and downfall of those who misuse their power, position and wealth, of those who do not live with integrity and compassion. The more we live in the Greater Reality, the more unreal and lifeless the world of duality will become.

A sorting out will also take place in which some of the people who are taking up space in the big boats without rowing steadfastly with their full beings will find themselves back in smaller boats. This will serve as a huge wake-up call, much like it was during the evacuation of Atlantis. Our integrity and commitment must be unwavering in order to ride the waves of the Quantum Surf.


During the past year, there was an emphasis on getting all the elements of our lives into their rightful positions. Most of the focus was on the removal of elements which no longer fit into who we are in the process of becoming. This repositioning also took place within our inner beings as we cleared away old patterns of relating, outdated concepts, expired vows and ingrained habits of making ourselves small. The deeper we immersed ourselves into the Greater Reality, the more there was to let go. Many of us have been stripped to the core. So much has died away that we sometimes felt as if we were dying.

The difference between something that totally clicks into place and feels unquestionably right, and something which is "sort of" all right is becoming continually clearer. We are now in the time where it's essential that all elements of our lives click into position and feel totally right. Until they do, it's important that we don't allow ourselves to make hasty decisions just for the sake of trying to get something done. Forced actions won't lead to success, but rather to dead ends.

If we let go of compromise and the watering down of our beings in order to fit into a regimented duality-based world, we will be able to align with the resonance of RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE. This is the realm of the Quantum Surf. It is where we need to anchor our beings in 2006. This is where the greatness and ease of manifestation exist.


In 2006 we will experience many long lost puzzle pieces coming into our lives. This will not only enable us to see the vaster picture, but it will enable us to be infinitely more real and true. These missing pieces will include new Greater Love relationships, new careers aligned with our true purpose, new places of residence more in harmony with who we are and our true needs, new avenues of creativity, new work partnerships and totally new ways of doing things.

For the past few years, we have been retrieving lost fragments of our beings. These are pieces of our selves that we left in past lives, with old relationships, in parallel realities or in various physical locations around the world.

Because of this, some of our old loves have been re-entering our lives, not for the purpose of rekindling the flame, but for the purpose of retrieving our fragments. Encountering these old loves allows us to clear up any unresolved emotional residue and express our forgiveness and gratitude to them. We are able to retrieve the piece of our heart that we gave them and merge it back into our own heart. This enables us to love wholeheartedly and freely since our heart has become more whole. It prepares the way for our entrance into the Lotus World and is immensely liberating.

We've also been led to some unexpected locations in order to retrieve fragments that we left there, usually in past lives. Each time we regain a lost fragment of our being, we have less dangling threads scattered throughout time and space. We become more whole and free. We will continue finding lost fragments and merging with them throughout 2006.

The Year 2006

requires the participation of our full beings.

We can't surf the BIG WAVES with small beings.

We can no longer divide up our lives into separate compartments of duality and of Oneness---having a duality-based job, some Oneness friends, some duality friends, a "normal" home with a duality resonance and a vibrant inner spiritual life.

We can't surf the BIG WAVES as split beings with split lives. Everything has to be brought into the resonance of the Greater Reality.


The Greater Reality is the frequency band of Oneness. Living in the Greater Reality is our new foundation. It's a way of life; not just something we do in special moments when we are being "spiritual". The Greater Reality is all around us, growing stronger every day. It affects absolutely everything. It's a new way of being. And it's the realm where we will find the Quantum Surf.

In duality, we used to set up altars for our spiritual focus and meditate for our spiritual practice. In the Greater Reality, we realize that EVERYTHING is sacred, thus everything becomes an altar. And that while meditation will surely take us into the Greater Reality, our task is to imbue every mundane and minute aspect of our daily lives with the Greater Reality. To live there with eyes wide open, fully present in the physical.

In 2006 we can manifest true magnificence and we do this by bringing the Greater Reality and the Greater Love into absolutely everything.

This year we are going to be given the opportunity to totally reinvent ourselves. We can become anything we want to be. We can do what we really came here to do. We can pursue our wildest dreams and be successful! As long as we're living in the Greater Reality, traveling in a big boat and rowing with everything we've got, there will be an infinite series of Green Lights beckoning us forward. We can achieve anything that's truly in our heart of hearts.


As we immerse ourselves deeper into the Greater Reality, we will enter the Lotus World. This is the most sublime realm of Truest Love. Here everything is ultra sacred and pure. Everything is imbued with the GREATER LOVE. We become embodiments of LOVE and discover that this heightened LOVE is all around us. We are surfing the Waves of Love.

We will experience immersions into the Lotus World for a few days or a few weeks and then suddenly the Waves of Love will disappear, making us feel stranded like a beached whale. It will feel as if our love has suddenly dried up. Whenever this happens, it's important to remember that this is for the purpose of clearing out and refining energies within us and within our environment which can't go deeper into the Lotus World. Once we make these adjustments, the Lotus World will return, stronger than before.

The Lotus World will become deeper and more visible as the year progresses. Powerful Waves of Lotus Love will become a major component of the Quantum Surf. During this time, many of us will finally be reunited with our One True Love, that elusive partner with whom we share not only an alignment of essence, but also an alignment of purpose.

2006 is an absolutely brilliant year of quantum breakthroughs, major manifestation, unbridled creativity, and Waves upon Waves of Love beyond anything we can imagine. It's the year we have long awaited. Let's not miss this golden opportunity to shine, to soar, to live our love.


Copyright Solara 2006

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