My Beloved Ones, I greet you this day in eternal joy! Truly
it is a day of great joy, no matter where you are on the
Earth and what is happening around you. You have worked long
and hard in service to the Light for your entire human
lifetime. No matter when it was that you may have officially
awakened, you have been in service on planet Earth since your
very conception in your mother's womb. At that moment of
conception, an imprinting of Light coding within your DNA
propelled your destiny forward. Since that moment, you have been
impacting the planetary consciousness of Earth, acting as
conduits for the frequencies of Light. You have held the Earth
and her life forms in your hands, as modeling clay,
descending into human form from the highest Realms of Light. Your
task was that of uniting the Heavens and the Earth,
restoring Earth and humanity to its Divine place in the cosmos.
Now, my Beloved Ones, your mission has been accomplished.
The seeds of Heaven on Earth have been planted in your
planetary consciousness and have taken root. You may look around
and say "What? It doesn't appear to me that the mission has
been completed. The world's a mess and life is still a
struggle". When you plant an apple seed, a tiny tree sprouts.
You cannot immediately pick an apple from this little tree
and eat it. You must give it time to grow to maturity before
you can pick the fruit. You may also wish to enjoy the experience
of its growth unfolding, appreciating the different states
of development.
You have been planting seeds of higher consciousness within
the Earth plane since the moment of your conception, in
ways that you cannot yet comprehend. The created reality of
the Earth plane, or any plane, is not as it seems.
Experiential reality is a complex cosmic dance of subtle energies
upon which numerous points of individuated consciousness have
agreed. In other words, countless numbers of individuated
consciousness have agreed to have this experience which you
call Earth life. It is also by this common agreement that
the quality of the experience is determined. The state of
fear and oppression that has characterized Earth life for
many millennia was also created by common agreement by
individuated consciousness.
How, then, is it possible to change the collective
experiential nature of life in the Earth plane? This is done by
changing the common agreement. Once again you may question,
because it does not seem that any two humans upon the Earth
agree, much less more than two. How can a common agreement
of individuated consciousness hold your reality in place?
The higher parts of yourselves, on a level beyond your
conscious experience, have agreed that this experiential
construct known as the Earth Plane shall exist. Whereas in your
world, an agreement constitutes a like opinion or a similar
belief, in the higher frequencies of reality, an agreement is
a level of frequency resonance. This type of agreement has
nothing whatsoever to do with opinion or viewpoint, but
with the forces of creation. As the higher common agreement is
held in frequency resonance, experiential constructs such
as dimensions and planes can exist for you to play in.
So, my Beloved Ones, what you have been about accomplishing
in your human incarnation has nothing to do with similar
opinions or beliefs. It has nothing whatsoever to do with
humans agreeing on a specific set of beliefs, common goals, or
ways to accomplish those goals. The task has been to alter
the frequency resonance of the Earth plane. The frequency
resonance is that common agreement of consciousness which
establishes the nature of experience upon any given plane of
existence. In that sense, you have been frequency
modulators throughout your embodied lives upon the Earth. Your very
presence here has altered the common agreement of which we
speak and changed the frequency resonance of the Earth
plane. You, living on Earth, opened the door for the cosmic
Light which has been entering the plane for a number of years.
Many of you know of this special purpose for which you were
born into a human body during these times. You have not
fully understood that purpose. You have, at times, become
fearful and disillusioned because your outer world does not
reflect the changes you now know you came to catalyze. There seems to be no more
common agreement than at any previous time in Earth
history. Perhaps it seems outrageous to you that Spirit is
saying that the job is done.
I ask you to switch your viewpoint away from emotion and
judgment and toward the scientific for a moment. Frequency
modulation is a way to alter the waves of sound vibration in
order to use them to convey information - words, pictures,
music. Many of your technological devices operate through
frequency modulation, such as radio, television, video
transmission. The frequencies of the waves are adapted in order
to convey specific information to the recipients.
The many of you will not know the exact science of
frequency modulation, but neither is it necessary for you to know.
You have been providing much the same function of frequency
modulation in order to place new information in your
planetary consciousness through the Light coding in your cells.
You do not have to know exactly how that process has taken
place. Just know that it has taken place. Just as a radio or
television program cannot be taken back once broadcast,
neither can the frequency modulation which has taken place in
your plane be reversed. In that sense, my Beloved Ones,
your task is complete. The channel is opened and established.
Now we'll return to the less technical aspects of your
planetary evolution. Frequency modulation is only a part of the
entire process, although a vital one which crease a gateway
for the planes to merge. You have also been about the task
of planting seeds, the seeds of new trees, which will bear
new fruit. The seeds were cast forth with the sharing of
information long hidden from humanity. All knowledge that was
once hidden and kept secret by those in power is now
available to you. A seed of knowledge, however, is easily cast
upon hard ground, where it cannot take root. The seed must be
nourished with the waters of experience. Knowledge, without the desire or ability to apply
it, is as the seed cast upon the hard ground.
You, my Beloved Ones, are the gardeners for the Tree of
Life which grows in the new Eden of Earth. The Promise of the
Redemption of Humanity has now been fulfilled in the
planting of the seeds of higher evolution in your planetary
consciousness. A promise, if given, must also be accepted by the
recipients of its fulfillment. Then, the promise becomes a
Covenant, a sacred common agreement which holds a reality
in place. The promise of the redemption of humanity has now
become a Covenant between the human race and Mother-Father
God. You are once again the Keepers of the Garden of Eden.
The seeds are just now beginning to sprout, my Beloved
Ones, and your task at hand is to tend and nourish them by
living the higher truth in thought, word and deed. The thought
and the word cannot be fully realized without the deed. You
will now become the living Covenant, my Beloved Ones. Hand
in hand with Mother-Father God you shall nurture these
seeds as they become tall trees bearing fruit for all humanity
to eat. Now, in this your Earth year 2006, you are in the
time of completion. Know that your redemption is at hand.
The Christ returns to Earth and that Christ is the many of
You have seen many changes and much turbulence in your
world in the recent years. I would not be truthful if I were to
say there would be no more. Collective humanity has entered
fully into a deep cleansing, by which it is taking full
responsibility for that which it has created. While time as
you know it is only an experiential construct, the events of
your collective past, present and future are now being
simultaneously cleansed and restructured to a higher frequency
resonance. This is a process in which your very dimensional
reality is being changed by your own thoughts, words and
deeds, in co-creatorship with Mother-Father God. That which
is no longer a fitting part of the new reality must be
transmuted. As your collective consciousness changes, seeks to
evolve, those thoughts, words and deeds which no longer
serve you will be continue to be made manifest. As humanity
responds to the tumultuous events in compassion, love and
understanding, rather than fear, judgment and condemnation, the
roots of fear and oppression will be removed from the
garden of Earth.
There will be swift and rapid change in your world and in
your individual lives over the next years. At times it may
seem that all is falling apart and complete chaos will
ensue. Know, my Beloved Ones, that this is the weeding of the
garden, co-created by you, as the gardeners. When the weeding
is completed, the Tree of Life shall flourish and bear
wondrous fruit. The strength which enables you to continue
nurturing the seeds you have planted lies within you. That
strength is in the promise fulfilled and the Covenant which now
exists between each one of you and Mother-Father God.
Neither fear nor condemn the events of your world, but trust in
this Covenant, and the infinite and unconditional love of
Mother-Father God. You are the Anointed Ones without whom
the Covenant could not be fulfilled.
The time for fear is now past. The task, for each one of
you now, is to become the Living Covenant between humanity
and Mother-Father God; to replace your fears and questions
with the joy of the promise fulfilled and the time of
completion. My Beloved Ones, no humans have entered the Garden of
Eden since the Fall of the human race. You shall be the
first to return, and to once again care for and nurture the
Tree of Life in its fullness of maturity. You are infinitely
supported in this final portion of your journey back to the
Garden, by Mother-Father God and the highest Realms of
Light. Do not doubt, even for a moment, that the promise has been fulfilled.
I AM Metatron
I AM With You Always, in Love.